Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion.Christians could use teachings from the bible in an argument about abortion. Most Christians believe that

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Abortion is a massive issue. It is probably one of the most widely debated topics today. Lots of people from all over the world have different and very strong views on the subject of abortion.


i) What is meant by the word "ABORTION"?

The word Abortion means the termination of a pregnancy before the foetus is able to survive outside the mother, or is considered legally viable.

An abortion takes place after a baby has been conceived through sexual intercourse. Certain precautions can be taken before a baby is conceived; therefore an abortion would not be used. These precautions could include condoms, the coil, the morning after pill, or the contraceptive pill.

There are two main types of abortion; spontaneous and therapeutic.

Spontaneous abortions are natural and cannot be helped. They are usually called miss-carriages. Miss-carriages often take place due to maternal factors such as reproductive disorders, or if the mother has not been treating her self correctly and has been smoking, drinking alcohol, etc, when advised not to. It may even be a possibility that the mother has experienced an accident such as being involved in a car crash or a fight. This type of abortion can happen at any period of the pregnancy.

The other type of abortion is the abortion that is debated about, and that I will be discussing in this essay. Therapeutic abortion is the termination of pregnancy by choice. In many countries, the legalization of abortion has been fairly recent. Fifty-four countries allow abortion, which is about sixty-one percent of the world's population. In some countries, it is restricted to cases where the continued pregnancy would endanger the life of the mother, and in others (such as the Republic of Ireland and Iran), it is still illegal. Here in Britain, abortion has been legal for thirty-five years but can only legally take place in the period of time before 24 weeks of pregnancy. An abortion must be certified by two doctors, however, in this country, you do not have to have a valid reason for wanting an abortion. It is a woman's right, whatever age they are, to go and have an abortion for whatever reason.

ii) Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion.

Christians could use teachings from the bible in an argument about abortion. Most Christians believe that it is wrong for people to have an abortion, whilst some believe that it is ok to have an abortion in certain circumstances. The bible teaches that life is a sacred and precious gift from God, 'For it is you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb', psalms 139:13, Which basically says that God has given us a heart that beats and causes us to live and from our mother's wombs, we were created and born. The bible also states in the Ten Commandments that "Thou shalt not kill" (Ex. 20:13) and if a Christian believed that having an abortion is killing, therefore that person would be breaking the Ten Commandments. The following teachings could be used in a discussion about abortion:
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Anti- Abortion Christians may use teachings from the bible such as "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee." (Jeremiah 1:5). This may show that the "soul" starts at conception. And again, suggesting that life begins before birth is the bible quote "...he hath blessed thy children within thee." (Psalms 147:13). This is suggesting, and probably means that the foetus is the same as a child. Would you kill a child like you would abort a foetus? The answer is probably "No". Anti- abortionist Christians use questions such as this to persuade people that it is ...

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