Explain what Christians believe about the sanctity of human life and especially their responsibility for those at the beginning and those at the end of life

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Explain what Christians believe about the sanctity of human life and especially their responsibility for those at the beginning and those at the end of life?

As Christians we believe that each person is created by God and all human life is a gift from God. Therefore, human life is sacred, something that has to be protected and preserved, something that only God alone can take away from us. This belief is not just supported by Christians but by people of all religious races and cultures. We believe that human life must always be sacred even before we are born. This is stated numerous times throughout the bible.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you came to birth I consecrated you, I have appointed you as prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:8

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God has mapped out our lives even before our conception. He has chosen what we will do. He knows us even before we are born. Therefore it is not for us to end a new life because God may have great plans for that person.

“God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.” Genesis

This quote from the bible tells us that we are all created in the eyes of God. Everyone is a unique individual. The quote explains how God created ...

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