God has mapped out our lives even before our conception. He has chosen what we will do. He knows us even before we are born. Therefore it is not for us to end a new life because God may have great plans for that person.
“God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.” Genesis
This quote from the bible tells us that we are all created in the eyes of God. Everyone is a unique individual. The quote explains how God created life so therefore he can only take life.
As Christians we believe that life in the womb starts at the moment of conception. Just because a baby does not have all of the thinking and human physical features at the beginning doesn’t mean it is not a human being. Every unborn child is a unique individual. We Christians believe that all human life from the moment of conception is something to be cherished and thankful for. It is a precious gift from God that must be looked upon as a blessing.
It is not just at the beginning that we should respect life but at the end too. The killing of someone at the end of his or her life is just the same as killing the baby within the womb. Both go hand in hand.
Christians should maintain great respect for human life. We must strive to establish a society where the old, the handicapped and the sick are not thought of as rejects to be disposed of. They deserve special care and attention that only we can give them. We must follow in Gods example and treat everyone with the respect they deserve no matter who they are or what is wrong with them.
The deliberated taking of human life at the end of our lives is not only prohibited under catholic teaching but by law. Although the killing of someone might be carried out with good intentions (someone who is incurably ill and in great pain) it is still an act of murder. There are ways in which people can die with respect and dignity. Doctors can administer pain-killing drugs to relieve pain. Although this can shorten life it is not the medical staffs intention to kill the patient.
It is our duty as Christians to offer dying patients emotional and physical help in their times of anxiety and to give them courage and power to face death. It not only helps them but us too as caring for those who are dying can be a great source of blessing.
“There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven, a time for giving birth, a time for dying, a time for planting, a time for killing” Ecclesiastes 3:1-3
This quote speaks very well of both beginnings and endings in our lives. It means that there is a proper time for everything – death as well as birth, but we are never going to be able to predict the right time for anything. Only God knows this. Only God can take away human life as he alone is the creator of human life.