Explain why work and employment are essential for human welfare according to Christian teaching.

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27/04/07                J.Kidd

Divinity Coursework

Task 1a

‘Unemployment is the worst evil, in the sense that the unemployed feel that they have fallen out of the common life … they are not wanted, that is the thing that has the power to corrupt the soul of any man’ (Archbishop William Temple)

Explain why work and employment are essential for human welfare according to Christian teaching.

In order to say why work and unemployment are essential for human welfare, according to Christian teaching, I first have to define the words ‘work’ and ‘employment’ in the same way in which a Christian would define them. I will also have to say why these two things are essential for a human to live a good life.

Employment is a way of access to work, which brings great happiness and peace in peoples’ lives. Without employment a person is unemployed, millions of people are in this position, which is very depressing. William Temple said ‘Unemployment is the worst evil…. it has the power to corrupt the soul of any man.’ This shows that there are personal and social costs of unemployment. If a person loses a job their sense of belonging disappears – they can feel humiliated, angry, worthless, and depressed. Also, local communities are shattered and amenities decline. One other point is that people turn to abuse of drugs, alcohol and even suicide because of the effects of unemployment. It seems tragic that in a society where so many people are overworked, people aren’t able to share jobs, giving work to everyone, and thus giving everyone a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Work has been described as a ‘purposeful activity’. Some of work is play and rest, whereas other parts of work are thinking and using one’s mind. It is a natural human activity which one gets paid for, and it is a critical aspect of Christian life. In a report produced by the Church of England, five purposes of work were distinguished. The first thing mentioned was that work is necessary for human survival and without it the structures of our societies and cultures would not exist. The second was that work is creative. Humans are able to create things by controlling the elements of nature, and they can also share with God in being creative in the world. The next aspect of work was that it is painful. This is important as work for most people is mainly associated with pain and suffering, but for Christians they do not like to think of work as a bad thing. They believe it can be mentally and physically exhausting, dangerous, boring, and soul destroying (even though they believe it is essential), but they believe that the pain associated with work is needed for a balance in life. The penultimate category was work being healthy. This comes across as strange, but one must realise work is a very social activity, which helps one to belong to a community by giving us a place, status, belonging, and value. I believe this to be an important reason why work is needed for human welfare. The final point is that work is good. It is a way of obtaining the necessities of life and enriching one’s life with beauty and enjoyment. To some Christians work is a religious duty, even a virtue.

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Overall one can see why work and employment are essential to human welfare, as unemployment can lead to all kinds of depressing problems. Thus one can agree with the Christians’ view that they are vital for a person to have a successful and fulfilled life.

Task 1b

Compare and contrast the Marxist view of work and wealth with Christian teaching.

Marx had, in many ways very similar views on work and wealth as the Christian teachings. But there were some major differences between them. Here the similarities and differences between them are compared and contrasted.

“Each person in ...

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