There are also other churches that agree on most things such as the Baptist Union of Great Britain. This church thinks that in most cases abortion is wrong but that there are some exceptions, for example if the mother has been raped and therefore is traumatised by the experience then it is okay for her to have an abortion. They will also allow abortion if the baby is going to be born with a disability or if it is going to be handicapped.
Psalm139”you knew that I was there-you saw me before I was born.” This shows us that God sees us before we are born, and that a foetus is counted as a person when it is in the mothers’ womb.
This is what the church believes, they think that we are a person before we are born and so therefore we should be protected from
the moment of conception. There is a company called life that offer care to single mothers. It also gives them counselling on how to look after the baby and this helps them to repair relationships with family members if their has been a breakdown.
The single mother will get counselling to help her make the decision on whether or not she wants to keep the baby, have an abortion or put the baby up for adoption. She will also get advice on how to look after herself.
All of the churches have their own opinions and views on abortion some agree with it some disagree others are undecided, it is a issue that will never be resolved.
The Roman Catholic Church also believes that euthanasia is wrong. They believe that we should not help anyone to kill themselves because that would be committing murder. And that is against the laws of God.
Exodus 20”thou shall not kill.” This is one of the ten commandments and they should not be broken. They are sacred and should be followed.
The Roman Catholic Church believes that we should not commit euthanasia but should not preserve our life at all cost. “Hezekiah was a righteous man who did not want to die. This tells us that we, striving to be righteous, should not wish to die either. Even if you have a terminal illness-dying before Gods time is wrong. With the pace of technology today, what’s to say a cure will not be discovered before you die of your illness, allowing you to live a long and healthy life.” This tells us that if we are ill then we should not turn to euthanasia to solve our problems as God might heal us in his own time or a cure might be found.
Another church that also disagrees with euthanasia is the Baptist Union of Great Britain. They believe that life is Gods gift and should not be taken away.
1st Corinthians 6:19-20 “do you know that your body is a shrine of the indwelling holy spirit and the spirit is Gods gift to you.”
This quote from the Corinthians tells us that life is a gift from God.
1st Corinthians 6:19-20 “then honour God in your body.”
We should honour our body as if we do not and we commit
euthanasia then we are killing a part of us and a part of God.