During this essay I hope to pose some questions, for example why do women have abortions and what actually happens, is it all just squeaky-clean doors and floors? I also hope to state the psychological effects of abortion and why this happens. Is there any really good reason to have an abortion? What exactly does Pro-Life and Pro-Choice mean?
Thousands of babies are aborted every year and people get away with this infanticide. Abortion is frowned upon by many Religions as it is seen as murder, which, in my opinion, is most certainly the case.
I do pity these women who feel that they need to kill an innocent child because “it is an inconvenience.” But what did this child actually do? The mother must not know what actually happens when abortion takes place.
One method used to kill the baby is by injecting a salt-water solution into the uterus. The baby inhales and drinks this. When it surrounds the baby it completely burns its skin away, burning the child to death.
Another way is by inserting a tube with a knife edged tip into the uterus. This is a suction implement, which tears the baby apart. Afterwards they crush the head.
Another method would be by using a “sharp-toothed pliers-like instrument” to tear pieces of the baby away. This happens without any anaesthetic and there is a lot of bleeding.
Sometimes the doctor who carries it out will dilate the mother’s cervix and cut the child to pieces with a curette knife.
In my opinion, the cruellest way to carry out an abortion is a hysterotomy. This is like a caesarean section, the child, after being removed, is left to die in a bucket. They are moving breathing children and sometimes, some will even cry.
Because abortion is not available in Northern Ireland, the rate is not very high, however, if abortion were available in Northern Ireland then the rate would be most likely to soar because if it was available then people would feel the need to take advantage of this option as it would be easier considering the woman would no longer have to travel to England or Scotland for their abortions.
Some people might say “the life in the womb isn’t human because it isn’t fully developed” however, this is a false premise that makes the foetus appear to be an “alien” of some sort. If humanity is based on development, when does it become human?
“The human tissue in the woman belongs to the one who produces it.” This human tissue is actually a person – it can’t be owned. If it can, when does it stop being the property of the mother?
“The life in the womb is part of the woman and she has the right to do as she pleases with her body.” If it is part of her body then does she have four eyes, arms, legs and two heads? Is that what human is? The only way it is part of her is the sense that it is living and growing inside her.
“No-one is hurt since the foetus is not a person” it is assumed that the foetus is not a person yet it is alive and has human DNA. If it isn’t a person then what makes a person? It is still a person even if it can’t think, walk or be self aware, just like somebody in a coma. By saying the foetus isn’t a person doesn’t make it so. Does this mean then that the mother shouldn’t have any feelings about the life that has been removed from her womb? If this life is not a person then why do a lot of mothers suffer from guilt after aborting it?
Abortion isn’t the only way out, so why perform it? It is such a traumatic experience and many women experience guilt and depression afterwards. It can damage the reproductive system and leave the woman infertile. Countries with a high abortion rate often have a high suicide rate as well as a high infant mortality rate.
Adoption is another option. At least this way the child has a chance to live. It still means carrying the baby and going through childbirth but it would be worth it to know that this child was given a chance to live unlike many aborted babies.
Looking back on this essay I would say that my opinion has stayed the same, I remain to be Pro-Life. I completely oppose abortion no matter what the circumstances. Every child has a right to live.
Fionnuala McGlinchey