GCSE Religion Abortion Coursework

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RE Coursework - Abortion

Women do have the right to control their own bodies but in the situation of abortion, although the foetus is inside the woman it is a separate human being because there is two different blood systems. When the right to control ones own body involves whether a person should live or die this right is certainly not justified. I being a Roman Catholic believe that from the moment of conception, a human being is formed. This small baby has the same rights as anyone else from that instant and no mother or doctor has the right to disregard these rights. The role of a mother is to nurture and establish the well being of her child, not throw away a part of them that can never be replaced!

Abortion is:

  1. The termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a foetus that is incapable of survival.
  2. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion.

When does human life begin?  Well, the bible states –

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting the baby moved within her…

And (she) said ‘for as soon as I heard your greeting, the baby within me jumped with gladness.”

But who really ‘owns’ the child?  Religious scholars maintain that the child is belonging to God.  For the bible quotes –

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“God created man in the image of himself,

In the image of God he created him,

Male and female he created them.”

This clearly states that as God created mankind, he is the only one who has right over it.  It is also stated in a Catholic document that –

“From the moment of conception, life must be guarded

with the greatest care and abortion and infanticide

are unspeakable crimes.”

I believe that abortion is wrong.  As Abraham Lincoln said –

“No one has the right to choose to do what is wrong.”

One arguement for abortion ...

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