Give the response of Christianity and one other religion to wealth and poverty.

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SARAH JANES         11CS                                     WEALTH AND POVERTY COURSEWORK



Wealth and Poverty coursework

1. Give the response of Christianity and one other religion to wealth and poverty.

    Christians believe that if you have plenty of money then you should give to those less fortunate than yourselves. They teach that God blesses those who provide for the poor. They also say that the church should concern itself with the deprived and that they should have a responsibility to them.

    Jesus taught that your life should not revolve around money, Matthew 6 19-21 states that you cannot take your wealth with you when you die so why let your life depend on money now. Another bible passage Corinthians Cn8 v1-13 says that Jesus was once rich but he became poor in order to give to those less fortunate than himself, and so he’s saying that you should give to those who need it. Jesus also taught that true happiness is not found through money. Timothy 6 v6-10 says you shouldn’t be greedy about money and not let it take over your life.

    Other examples include the information from Luke 21, which says that you should give a fair share of your wealth to the poor. Acts 2 v44-47 says that you should get rid of things they do not need in order to give to the poor, which makes the Christians respond by saying that the church should concern itself with the poor and the needy. Christians also believe that the church should have a responsibility for the poor, Matthew ch14 v15-21 says how you should share out your money and resources equally to those who need it.

    Overall you can clearly see that the Christians believe you should give to the poor. Most of the quotes from the bible all state how you should not be greedy with money and that Jesus blesses those who give to the less fortunate. A lot of the teachings say how money is not the key to happiness and that life doesn’t revolve around money.

    Muslims also believe that you should give to charity. Islam teaches that wealth is something given by God for the benefit of humanity, and therefore is something to be shared. Sharing your wealth is commanded by God in the religious pillar of Zakah. Zakah means purification. Many Muslims believe that giving Zakah money purifies it, and stops any harm coming to you. They also believe that you will be rewarded if you give to charities. “Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord” Qur’arn 2:274. Muslims are encouraged to help the less fortunate by paying Sadaqah, by voluntary giving to charity.

    Overall you can clearly see that the Muslim religion relies on a lot of charity donations in order to help the poor. Muslims differ to Christians as Muslims are commanded to give to the poor whereas the Christians are just encouraged to give to the needy. Christians teach that happiness does not come from money and that you should not be greedy with it. Muslims however teach that money is given by God for the benefit of humanity and so (like Christians) believe it should be shared. Although these are two completely different religions, both are similar in one way and this is how they both teach that God will reward you for helping those less fortunate. Overall you can clearly see from studying both religions that they strongly believe wealth is something that should be shared, and so if we all followed these rules poverty would be one less problem for us to deal with.

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