God and Evil



Atheists basically believe that, if an almighty god, isn’t squaring up against evil, then instead of there not being evil, they believe that instead there is no God!


This is the belief that evil cannot be the fault of god, as its principles are that of opposites of a God, so there must instead be an anti-god, otherwise known as the Devil, or Satan, and that that is the source of evil. Also there is a universal and a constant struggle between good and bad, God and the Devil.

Evil is Unreal

This basically means that there is no evil; it is just something when there is not good, but not evil either, just an absence of good. So as an example, it is like being blind, the world is still there, but you are just unable to see it! So in this case, the good is there, but there is an illusion of bad, not really there, but just created in the form, of craving and greed. Augustine was a proponent of this view, and it is common in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs.

Original Sin

This is basically saying that God, made the good, and everything was good, but human beings are the ones who created the bad and rebelled against God, so that the evil humans could be known as the devils. As they are the opposition to God. This is also a point in which Augustine developed.

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Evil as a Punishment

This basically means what it says! It is a belief, which means that when you deserve to be punished for something it comes as something evil.

The phrase “What have I done to deserve this” is basically that someone has done something bad, and so something evil has happened to him or her as a punishment.

Evil as a Test

This basically means that when evil comes to us in any form, it is a test to see how we react to it and what we do.  As humans were not created ...

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