Healthcare Workers during an Epidemic

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Healthcare Workers during an Epidemic

Jessica Trapani

Holy Cross Secondary School

U Religion

Ms. Romatawski

Healthcare Workers during an Epidemic

When most people choose a career in healthcare, they think of a future that is filled with hopes of steady income and going home with a self gratitude of saving lives. What happens to these dreams when the healthcare provider is affected by an epidemic that has spread throughout the workplace, country and their own lives are in danger?  For example, many lives were effected in 2003 when the SARS outbreak invaded Canada (Krowe, 2003). 206 humans died from the Avian influenzsa in twelve countries according to World Health Organization data as of November 2007 (Wikipedia, 2008,).   This essay will examine how the “ripples” of an epidemic can spread very quickly into the lives of those nurses, doctors and all healthcare providers who treat the victims of an epidemic. First I will examine the duties that go beyond their occupation of healthcare workers who are working in an environment that can threaten their own lives. Next, I will address what they get in return for their efforts, and finally, I will explore how an epidemic influences society in a positive aspect.  

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Healthcare providers have a very stressful job to begin with, but the stress is greater when there is an epidemic outbreak within the community.  This can increase marital stress, social isolation, and lack of support from family and friends.  Just because they work in a hospital, that is supposed to be a sterile environment, it can become a greater risk to their own health.  When an epidemic outbreak occurs, healthcare professionals need to protect themselves from getting the contagious virus. Their duties go beyond their expectations when they have to wear overprotective gear such as masks, gowns, and protective gloves. ...

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