Hindu Teaching on Wealth and PovertyGoddess Lakshmi means Good Luck to Hindus. The word 'Lakshmi' means 'aim' or 'goal', and she is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual

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The world is split between the wealthier ‘Northern Hemisphere’ and the relatively poor ‘Southern Hemisphere’.

More than 75% of humanity lives in the southern or developing world using only 25% of the world’s resources. Whereas the northern or the developed world consisting of 25% of the world population uses 75% of the world’s wealth or resources.

Some developing countries are very poor with a large portion of their population living below the United Nations officially designated ‘Poverty Line’.

Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not being able to go to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom. To alleviate poverty, it has to be defined, measured, and studied -- and even lived. As poverty has many dimensions, it has to be looked at through a variety of indicators -- levels of income and consumption, social indicators, etc.

Wealth can be defined in several ways – e.g. non monetary, i.e.  Spiritual wealth, a wealth of knowledge, etc.  

In relation to poverty, wealth is the state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money; a commodity which, according to the rich doesn’t bring happiness though according to the poor, it brings something quite closely resembling it.

Hindu Teaching on Wealth and Poverty

Goddess Lakshmi means Good Luck to Hindus. The word ‘Lakshmi’ means 'aim' or 'goal', and she is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual.

Pursuing wealth is one of the four aims of a Hindu’s life as long as it does not dominate a person’s life. Possessing and earning wealth is not restricted but there is only one restriction that the scriptures put on this activity and that is the wealth must be earned in a righteous way. Also it is legitimate to possess and earn wealth because during the householders phase many people, including children, spouse and older members of the family, are dependent on one person’s ability to earn. Wealth must not be used or spent on unethical, immoral, or dishonorable activities.

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Stewardship is when one manages another's property, finances, or other affairs. Hinduism teaches one to respect another’s property, and never to vandalise it. A person, who is acting as a steward managing someone else’s finances, has to observe honesty and integrity. You are expected to work without any desire for their wealth.

Hindus are expected to give away the wealth they do not need. Distributing wealth means that a person is doing good karma and thereby securing a better next life. As a person grows older, and moves beyond the householder period, they need their wealth less and ...

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