Hinduism is full of many meaningful and inspiring aspects that are essentials to living in a much-fantasized-perfect world. First mentioned in the Upanishads, Ahimsa I believe is an important aspect that is much needed in our modern-day environment. It’s the act of love, the act of refraining from causing harm to any living creature. When you refrain from causing harm to one, it does not apply only to stopping a knife short of someone’s throat, but also refraining from causing any kind of pain to others like hurtful words, actions, and hateful thoughts. Ahimsa is replacing hatred for love, and in return receiving truth and a purified heart. To just imagine living in a world where nature blossomed at its own pace with no obstruction, and people weren’t discriminated against, backstabbed, hurt, nor in any sort of pain…is just unrealistic. For one, attaining pure ahimsa is impossible since we must destroy life in order to live. For example, we’re constantly killing millions of bacteria and germs per second. A life with no fear, no pain, and no harassment is what most people hope for. Once again, I don’t believe there’s a solution for all the conflicts in the world to stop so that we can live in absolute peace. But I do believe that less fear, less pain, and less harassment can be achieved through having faith in ahimsa and applying it in our everyday lives. If we can just take the first step towards our idolized world by watching what we say and do, it’s a much better decision than waiting around for an answer to ‘world peace’ that might not ever come.
‘Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.’ – quote from Mahatma Gandhi