How might a Christian apply these beliefs about justice forgiveness and reconciliation in situations of conflicts today? Refer to 2 specific situations to illustrate your answer.

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Year 11 RE coursework AO2

How might a Christian apply these beliefs about justice forgiveness and reconciliation in situations of conflicts today? Refer to 2 specific situations to illustrate your answer.

Christians’ beliefs of justice, forgiveness and reconciliation are applied in conflicts in society today; here are some examples to illustrate this.

Some Christians use the idea of justice in war, people like Quakers believes that war is wrong because there is something of God in all people and more can be gained by appealing to love and goodness. Another example is pacifists who believe in peace and violence should be settled with justice. For example, A Christian called William Harrison responded it to World War I, he said he would not commit murder and said that love, pity and forgiveness from Jesus have all been forgotten, this led into the forming of Conscientious Objection; people who refused to be enlisted between the age of 18-41 to fight in the war. This is because they believe in peace and justice to solve conflict in war. However, their conscientious conviction caused them to be discriminated and jailed as they refuse to fight for their country. Some people agreed with their views of non violence and supporting Christians’ view of “thou shall not murder” from the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20:1-7. On the other hand, many people were against the views of Conscientious Objectors because many other people enlisted to fight and dying while the Objectors live, showing lack of loyalty to their countries and letting the innocent die.

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Another situation that apply with Christians’ view of justice, and the biblical reference of Luke 4:16-21, where Jesus was filled with Spirit of God, being free from fear and oppression. It is relevant to the 1955- 1956 non- violent protest of the Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama, USA, led by Martin Luther King. This was the biggest non- violent protest on the issue of racism between black and white people. A black woman refused to give up a seat for a white man and was arrest for breaking the segregation laws and causing the protest to start. About 90%of black ...

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