Identify the main strengths of the Cosmological Argument

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Nick Gibson                Miss Newton

Identify the main strengths of the Cosmological Argument, and how do they outweigh the weaknesses?

There are many strengths within the Cosmological Argument which have proven theories and ways to prove the existence of God. Many of these strengths have come from such scholars as; Copleston, Aquinas and Leibniz, all of which have put together major points to prove the existence of a non-contingent being.

One of the main strengths of the Cosmological Argument is from Aquinas way I that was about motion. This would be a posteriori argument because you need to gather evidence from the world around you. Aquinas stated that “Whatever is put in motion, is put in motion by another”, by this he is saying that nothing can be both mover and moved. So nothing can move by itself, it is easily to prove this by using an example in the world. For example you could talk about the line of humans, they depend on other factors to move. However you could state that humans move by themselves because they can move at their own free will, but that is only technically true, because we rely on muscles, blood and the brain to help us move so we are not moving without help from other factors. Nothing in this world can move by itself, there will always be something moving it.

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Another strength is from Aquinas way II that was about cause. He states that “nothing is ever found to be the efficient cause of itself” thus meaning that nothing can reproduce by itself or create itself. Yet it could be said that the matter which created the earth was created by itself. Nevertheless if that were true then that would mean that matter was non-contingent and would mean we are all non-contingent however we are because everything has a beginning and an end.

One criticism of the Cosmological Argument asks why cannot God not be the originator ...

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