It is also believed that the Flood of Noah was responsible for the vast majority of the geologic strata we see today.
They also believe that Science is science. Lab work is lab work and fieldwork is fieldwork. Science, in its purest form, deals with what can be tested and worked with. It does not matter, when adding materials to a Petri dish, when excavating fossils, when operating the spacecraft, whether the person or people involved are atheistic, deistic, agnostic, New Age, or however else they might consider themselves. The technical aspects are not part of the belief systems of the men and women involved, they believe that man is inaccurate and can come up with theories which can be convincing.
Their major evidence is from the Bible (the book of Genesis). The scientific view is totally not acceptable because they believe that nothing can originate spontaneously.”Everthing which has a beginning has a course”
Many scientists believe that the first cells arose spontaneously about 3.5 billion years ago. Conditions in the atmosphere were different then, the atmosphere contained hydrogen, methane, ammonia and water. Just right fro the formation of the chemicals we find in living organisms.
Scientists accept the fact that everything is a theory, but...[evolution is] probably the biggest unifying theory that exists in all of science." If either the theory of evolution or an old Earth were to be proven incorrect, then our understanding of many different sciences would collapse, however scientist also support their views with this major logic point, they believe that creation science" is not actually science. This is because the beliefs of creation scientists cannot be falsified. That is, it would be impossible for a creation scientist to accept a proof that their beliefs are false and that naturalistic evolution is true.
Many scientist also believe that Natural processes caused simple bacteria to evolve into complex animals over billions of years.