In St. Mark's Gospel what can we learn about discipleship?

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In St. Mark’s Gospel what can we learn about discipleship?

Explain how this might affect a Christian today.

A disciple is a student or learner. Jesus chose twelve men to learn God’s message from him. Jesus was no ordinary teacher; if men wanted to learn the Jewish law they would go and choose a Rabbi to study under. Jesus was different because he chose his followers. E.g. Mk 1:14-21

The first disciples Jesus chose were four fishermen Mk 1:14-21. The first two were Simon and his brother Andrew, he then called two more brothers, James and John. The next person Jesus chose was a tax collector named Levi. The Jewish people saw tax collectors as traitors because they worked for the Roman authorities and were known to cheat people out of money. We are not sure in which order Jesus chose the next seven but we do know he called twelve men.

The choice of these men could and would have been surprising for many people, for example Levi was a traitor in most peoples eyes but Jesus justified this when he said, “I have come to call sinners, not respectable people.” This means that he came to get sinners like Levi back on track. He was also saying that the Kingdom of God is for all people not just for perfect people. Another reason for why Jesus called Levi is maybe because Jesus saw good qualities in him. Levi would have been used to getting abuse and as a disciple you were going to get abuse. The fishermen he chose would also have had many good qualities. Fishermen would have known all the local people and therefore could get these people to follow Jesus. Jesus chose ordinary people because they would be easier to teach his ways to.

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The first four disciples Jesus picked are brothers. I think he chose brothers for a reason. Brothers have a special bond; they love each other, look after each other, stick with each other, defend and protect each other. Jesus sent the disciples out in twos, brothers would not need introducing or need to find out about each other, they could just go out and do it.

Jesus chose the men he wanted. He chose them from a large crowd; he had lots of choice. This could show that Jesus saw potential in them.

The disciples’ response was extremely strange. ...

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