In what ways does the belief in the Resurrection of Jesus affect a Christian's actions in worship and everyday life

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In what ways does the belief in the Resurrection of Jesus affect a Christian’s actions in worship and everyday life?

        The belief in the resurrection of Jesus affects a Christian’s actions in worship and everyday life in many ways.

One way is that in Christianity the cross is a symbol of Jesus’ resurrection to eternal life and of his promise of salvation to Christian believers.  Therefore, Christians often wear a necklace with the symbol of a cross to mark this event.

Since New Testament times, the day for worship of Christians has been Sunday, in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus.  Sunday is traditionally a day of rest.

Additionally, Christian funerals celebrate the death of victims as they are entering a passage into an after life.  They believe that death is not the end because Jesus was resurrected.  At a Christian funeral service, the minister might say something like:

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Renew our trust in your Son, whom you raised from the dead; strengthen our faith that all who have died in the love of Christ will share in his resurrection.

The minister is saying that death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus as it means that you will rise again just like Jesus did.

Also, baptisms bring people into a new life, in the Christian Church with Christ.

In addition, every Sunday, Christians recite the Nicene Creed.  It is a statement of Christian belief concerning the Resurrection.  It states:

On the third day ...

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