Is Euthanasia morally right? The term 'Euthanasia' comes from the Greek word for 'easy death

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Is Euthanasia morally right?

The term 'Euthanasia´ comes from the Greek word for 'easy death´. It is the one of the most public
policy issues being debated about today. Formally called 'mercy killing´, euthanasia is the act of purposely making or helping someone die, instead of allowing nature to take it´s course. Basically euthanasia means killing in the name of compassion. Euthanasia, can be either 'voluntary´, 'passive´, or
'positive´, Voluntary involves a request by the dying patient or their legal representative. Passive involves, doing nothing to prevent death - allowing someone to die. Positive involves taking deliberate action to cause a death.
Euthanasia, at the moment is illegal throughout the world apart from in the State of Oregon, where there is a law specifically allowing doctors to prescribe lethal drugs for the purpose of euthanasia. In the Netherlands it is practised widely, although, in fact, it remains illegal.
I believe that everyone has the right to choose how they live and die. Everyone deserves respect, freedom and the power to control their own destiny. Not everybody will have an easy death. Some terminal pain cannot be controlled, even with the best of care and the strongest of drugs. Other distressing symptoms, which come with diseases, such as sickness, no mobility, incontinence, breathlessness and fever cannot always be relieved. Pain is not always the issue - quality of life is too.

Most people want to die with dignity, but some people may spend the last moments of their life, in a way which to them, is undignified. Having the right to control over their own life and death helps people keep human dignity in the face of their suffering.
People should not be left lingering in pain. They should not have to suffer when death is inevitable. People do have the right to commit suicide, although it is a tragic and individual act. However euthanasia is not suicide. It is not a private act, you have the support of family and friends. Euthanasia is about letting a person assist anothers death to save them from long painful deaths.

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Many people argue, however, that a person who is terminally ill may make a miraculous recovery - it has happened in the past. Most terminally ill people whose pain and sufferings are relieved by excellent care, given by hospices, hospitals and GPs do not require to make decisions about euthanasia. It is only needed for those whose pain is not relived with any form of care or whose bodily disintegration is beyond bearing. Medical advances in recent years have made it possible to keep terminally ill people alive for beyond a length of time, without any hope of recovery or ...

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