Life of Siddhattha Gautama

 Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism. He was known generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha. We don’t know the actual date of when he was born or when he died but many historians say that he was born in 563 BCE and died in 483 BCE. He was also known as Sakyamuni or Shakyamuni. He was the key figure in Buddhism. After he died accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules were taken into account.

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When he was young he was spoiled by his parents. He was built 3 palaces in his name. Siddhartha was brought up by his mother's younger sister. As the boy reached the age of 16, his father arranged his marriage to Yasodhara that was his cousin. In time, she gave birth to a son, Rahula. Siddhartha spent 29 years as a Prince in Kapilavastu that is now in Nepal. His father offered him anything to his need butr he did not want anything as he thought that money wasn’t everything in life.

At the age of 29, ...

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