Religious Studies GCSE

Coursework Assignment One

Mr Horsman


1. Sexual relationships are important in Christianity because one of the sole purposes in life is to have babies and to populate the earth.  However, sexual intercourse is not permitted outside of marriage in the Christian Church.  Sexual intercourse must take place within a marriage because this shows that they have self-control and sexual restraint.  A Christian marriage is built on breaking celibacy and having sexual relations, which lead to the birth of children.

“Be fruitful and increase in number… fill the earth.”  Genesis 1:28.

This shows that God wanted people to have sexual intercourse in order to continue the job that he started and populate the earth.  However, many Christians think that waiting until marriage before sex, celibacy, is too much to ask of in this time were sex is mentioned frequently in everyday life.  Personally, I think that moral principles never change and so what was believed in the time of Christ should still be believed today.  Racism is not seen as right because Martin Luther King has died, just because someone is deceased does not mean that what they fought for in their lives can be forgotten.  In addition, if Jesus still walked the earth preaching, all Christians would be Orthodox and stay true to the content of the Bible, and celibacy would be kept until marriage.  Above all, I believe that Christians should not be able to choose which parts of their religion they follow.  If they are Christians they must practice all of the Church teachings not just the ones that suite them.

In this century, many items or procedures have been invented in order to make sex a common thing that can be carried out whenever someone wants with no consequences.  These include abortions and contraceptives; Christian views on these vary between different denominations of the Christian Church.  Abortions are viewed as undesirable in most Christian denominations.  The Roman Catholic Church say it is wrong, while The Church of England say it is permissible in certain circumstances for example when having the baby could have a negative effect in the woman’s health.  In my opinion the Roman Catholic, belief is right because abortion is against the sixth commandment:


“You shall not commit murder” Exodus 20:13

Even though there is considerable debate as to whether abortion is murder or not because it is believed by some that a person is not truly alive until they have been born.

The majority of the Christian Church is against contraception because God said;

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“There is no God besides me.  I put to death and I bring to life” Deuteronomy 32:39.

However, the Anglican Church suggests that contraception allows parents to plan their family in a more responsible way.  The majority of the Christian Church does not see these means of family planning acceptable because the use of contraception is not life giving and the Church believes every life is sacred and abortions or contraceptives either destroy or prevent life.  Personally, I do not believe in abortion because there are enough children’s homes around to care for the child.  Furthermore, if, for any ...

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