Marriage and relationships, a religious view.

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In the beginning:



  •         This passage emphasises that male and female were made in the image and likeness of God. Many people are confused by what is meant by the term “image and likeness of God.” It does not mean that they look physically like God, as God has no physical appearance. It means that we have certain personal characteristics of God, which we take to include intelligence and reason, free will, the ability to love and to act and to judge according to moral standards. These are the characteristics that separate human beings from animals.


  •         The book of Genesis continues with another creation myth. In this God decides that man needs a helper and a soul-mate. So God makes ‘woman’ from a man’s body – one of his ribs. Man is delighted with the result.


  •         This at last is bone of my bones, and flesh from my flesh! This is to be called woman, for this was taken from man.” Genesis 2:23.


  •         The writer of this account then adds the significant comment:


  •         “this is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24.


  •         The implication is that marriage has been with the human race since the beginning. The phrase that the man and woman leave their respective families and together become ‘one body’ includes two important ideas about marriage:


  1. 1.      Sexual union is basic to a marriage
  2. 2.      Through marriage two people become a single living, thinking and feeling unit.





  •         Fornication is a broad term for any morally unacceptable sexual behaviour engaged in voluntarily. Note that Paul (in the above reading) sees Christians as people who have let the Holy Spirit into their hearts, making them into temples of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian is a scared place and must behave accordingly. For Paul this meant that Christians cannot their bodies are their own property to do as they please with, as they have entered into a commitment with God. They have given themselves to God. Only the highest standard of sexual behaviour should suffice for Christians.


  •         We cab see now the difference between Christians and Humanists, people who believe that religion has nothing to do with morality and that morality is based on human beings alone. Humanists would say that moral laws are about respecting the freedom and rights of others, but that consenting adults can do as they please with their bodies, which are their own to dispose of. Christians would agree with Humanists about respecting freedom and rights, but would argue that they do not own their own bodies and owe God a responsibility as to what they do with them, they cannot do what they wish with their bodies, but must obey God’s commands.



Christian Teaching on Sex:


  •         Many people in a sexual relationship believe that they are acting responsibly, even though they are not married. In certain situations there are some Christians who agree with them. What matters, they argue, is the quality of the relationship between two people, not whether they are actually married. If they love each other, and intend to set up a home together, then sexual intercourse is perfectly acceptable.
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  •         The Christian Church as a whole, however, is firmly on the side of those who argue that the only real suitable place for sexual intercourse is within marriage. It makes the following points:


  1. 1.      Sex is a God-given activity which demands total commitment and trust if it is to be really meaningful. For this to happen, both partners must feel totally secure and such security can only be found within a marriage.


  1. 2.      Sex should never be used by a person simply to satisfy their own lust (sexual desires). That ...

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