Matter of life and death

The catholic teachings on life after death

The Catholic Church teaches that when people die only the pure ones go to heaven and the ones with unforgiving sins will go to purgatory where souls gets purified. And the rest goes to hell. On the last day god will make a new earth and heave for those in heaven and purgatory so they can live an eternal life, those in hell will stay there. They believe this because

It is the teachings of the church in the catechism another reason is that purgatory is a fair way of giving people another chance

In many evangelical protestant churches they teach that when people die they will stay in their grave until the end of the world. On the last day god will come down to earth and judge everyone the ones who done good deeds in their life will go to heaven and the rest will go to hell. Christians believe in resurrection because Jesus rose from the dead, and it is what st pual teaches.

Other Christians believe that when people die there soul goes straight to heaven, they believe in immortality the idea that after the death of the body the souls lives on.

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Some Christians don’t believe in life after death because no one has returned from the dead. Also the holy books stats different process of life after death for example the quran stats it will be through resurrection, the gita say it will be through recantation. Now science explains that when the body dies the brain dies. However they believe that there is no place life after death could take place.

In conclusion all Christians believe in life after death because jesus rose from the dead, the bible states there is life after death and the church teaches ...

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