Ministry Project Topic Statement
Matthew W. Gamble
Teaching Pastor
24-SEVEN Ministry Center
- Define the problem or ministry opportunity to be addressed.
It is clear that as the Western world develops, God seems to be pushed further and further away from the center of society. While many churches are shutting their doors being forced to close due to lack of attendance, there is an emergence of churches that are being started from scratch by young, innovative pastors. Their aim? To show that Jesus is still alive and well and relevant to the world around them. The problem is that within the framework of Christianity, the Church and Clergy have taken a bad wrap due to many of the moral and social failures that have occurred over the years. As a result how does a pastor/preacher/teacher/disciple of Jesus share the Gospel (Good News) with an seeker/unbeliever in a way that is compelling enough to at least earn their respect?
In the Seventh-day Adventist faith-base a new church has been planted in Bellevue, WA. Located in one of the most unchurched regions of this nation, 24-SEVEN Ministry Center seeks to be a place where people can come explore the teachings of Jesus to decide for themselves what they truly believe about this Man who claimed to be the Son of God. The issue at hand is how to communicate the Gospel in a Seventh-day Adventist churchplant located in Bellevue, WA in such a way that is compelling and convincing to a seeker.
- Describe the context (the historical background and current situation).
The Seventh-day Adventist movement started in the late 1800’s when a group of believers studied the scriptures earnestly in search of deeper Biblical truth. As conviction came upon the group that there were teachings in some churches that were not congruent with the Bible, a passion for sharing the new insights arose. As a result a church was birthed as these people started spreading out across this nation sharing Bible truths as they understood them.