One of the main reasons behind the euthanasia ethical debate is the difference between passive and active euthanasia

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RE – Task One – Ethics Essay

Euthanasia is a broad topic, with many different types falling under the one term. However, the definition for the word 'euthanasia' is “the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit” (Euthanasia Definitions 2012). The word intentional is the key term in this definition, because if the killing is not intentional, then it does not fall under the jurisdiction of euthanasia (Euthanasia Definitions 2012).

Euthanasia is an ethical issue as it involves the life of a human being being placed in the hands of another, and falls under Situation Ethics (Ray Elliott 2001). Situation Ethics state that as long as a person's actions are intended to be loving, it is right (Ray Elliott 2001). The only thing that is “wrong” is something that is intentionally unloving (Ray Elliott 2001). Euthanasia is based in Situation Ethics as people turn to Euthanasia to end suffering and allow a person in pain to be at peace. However, euthanasia is often essentially manslaughter (David Lanham 1993), therefore creating an ethical issue as to whether euthanasia should be allowed to occur.

Euthanasia is also a difficult issue as there is more than one type of euthanasia. The 5 main types are Voluntary euthanasia, is when a person who wants to be killed is killed, Non-voluntary euthanasia, is when the person who is killed gave no permission or made any request, Involuntary euthanasia, is when the person who is killed expressed a wish that was the exact opposite, Euthanasia By action, also known as Active Euthanasia, is intentionally causing someone's death by performing an action (e.g. a lethal injection) and Euthanasia By omission, also known as Passive Euthanasia, is intentionally causing death by not providing necessary care (Euthanasia Definitions 2012).

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One of the main reasons behind the euthanasia ethical debate is the difference between passive and active euthanasia. While passive euthanasia is often done medically and not seen as an illegal act (Euthanasia Definitions 2012), active euthanasia is considered immoral and illegal because it involves the physical act of taking a human life. However, both fall under the term 'euthanasia', therefore creating the question; Should euthanasia be legal?

Although euthanasia is seen as an immoral act, there are still arguments for it. The major argument for euthanasia is that people who are in unbearable pain shouldn't have to suffer, ...

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