Outline Christian teaching, and the teaching of ONE other religion, on wealth and poverty

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Outline Christian teaching, and the teaching of ONE other religion, on wealth and poverty.

Christians believe that all the creation belongs to God as told in the 'Psalm 50:12' God says, " For the world is mine and everything in it is mine" and mankind is only to look after it for the time being.

The Luke 3:11 makes clear that anyone who has wealth must divide it as it says, "whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none and whoever has food must share it."

Another leading message was pass on by the parable of the 'man and the Lazarus' (Luke 16:190-31) where the rich man was sent to hell for not giving food to the beggar.

Christians have faith in to put the right attitudes towards the wealth and consider that they should always use it properly so they don't fall for the wrong concept of loving it and act greedy and be selfish, as mentioned in Matthew 6:24 'wealth can be dangerous as it can easily be worshipped'. This saying also links up with the parable of the 'rich and poor', in which the man saved up all his earnings and never shared a single bit and in the end he was demanded for his life and couldn't do anything with his savings. This describes Christianity teaches that everyone is to die one day and God is the one who owns you and everything and when he takes your life away then you had be left with nothing and wealth will not help you.
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Christians also consider earning their wealth in the correct way along with the accurate use of it. They believe wealth can lead people to do sins in order to earn it as told in 1 Timothy 6: 9-10 'for love of money is a root of all kind of evil', therefore they must earn it the right way; example of their sin may be to gamble, fraud, or black male another for gaining prosperity.

'If God gives a man wealth and property he should be grateful and enjoy what he has worked for' (Ecclesiastes 5:19), this ...

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