Outline Muslim teachings on wealth and poverty.

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A (i) Outline Muslim teachings on wealth and poverty.

What is Poverty in Islam

Poverty: a state of being poor the status of having no money to take care of yourself and the basic needs of life such as, food, clothing and housing. Muslims believes poverty to be as a test to mankind form god. There are different types of evil and suffering which cause poverty such as:

♦ Moral evil  actions done by humans which cause suffering.

♦Natural evil  things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans e.g. earthquakes. (I will explain it in the following paragraphs)  

When god created the earth he also made a being called Adam (pbuh) to take care of it, Allah order the angles to bow down to Adam (pbuh) (humans are superior to the angles as they have free will-which is why they can be vice-regents- but they are inferior because their free will means they can sin) means they can sin) all Angels except one ignorant Satan (iblis) refused to follow Allah’s commands to bow down to Adam so Allah rejected him and throw him out of the heavens. However Allah allowed Satan to do mischief and disrupt mankind form worshiping Allah until the last day then Satan shall be sent to hell and those who were tempted by his evil shall follow him into the fire. Muslims believe that suffering is a test from god. But if there faith stays strong and they lead a good and devote themselves to Allah they shall rewarded with eternity paradise.

“be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere calamity, ‘to god we belong and to him shall we return”

Muslims believe that the way to succeed and pass the test is to help those who suffer such as the floods in Bangladesh through Muslim charities such as Muslim hands, Islamic relief e.c.t.    

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said: ‘Poverty can lead to Kuffar (ungratefulness)’. This is because a deprived human being may feel that his Lord is being unjust on him, but a human being cannot understand that this life is a test from Allah and the real life is the life hereafter.

What does Islam say about Zakat & Charity

Wealth in the English dictionary is defined as, having huge sum of money or possession, riches, state of being well off. In Islam whatever wealth you posses is regarded as a trust from Allah (God). You are not free to do what you want with your wealth, as you will be accounted for how you release it. Islam teaches that wealth is something given by god for the benefit of humanity and there for it should be shared.

‘Then (on the day of judgement) you will certainly be questioned about all the favours you enjoyed.’ (102:8)    

According to Islam, the wealth you posses does not show your superiority, neither or nor does it give you distinction or make you a part of honoured class. The one who posses the riches of Faith is the one who is wealthiest in the sight of Allah, not the one who posses material riches. Islam says that there is nothing wrong to posses wealth, as long as you earn it in the right (halal/lawful) way and discharge it in the right (halal/lawful) way.

Islam has given guideline for the ways of life which mainly concentrates on the earning and use of wealth. Earning and spending is essential for living, but we do not live only for this. We have a greater purpose in life. Everything in Islam is for the benefit of mankind. The main principle of Islam aim to establishing a just society wherein everybody will behave responsibly and honestly, and not as cunning people who fight for as big share of something as possible without regard for honesty, truth and responsibility. Islam has given rules for earning wealth which all Muslims should abide by. Muslims must follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah: 

  1. Any earnings from the production, sale and distribution of alcoholic drinks are unlawful, as are earnings from gambling, lotteries and from interest (riba) transactions (5:90-91, 2:275).
  2. Earning by falsehood, deceit, fraud, theft, robbery and burglary is unlawful. Deceitful acquisition of orphans’ property has been particularly banned ( 2;188, 4:2, 6:152, 7:85, 83:1-5).
  3. Smuggling and the artificial creation of shortages are unlawful (3:180, 9:34-35)
  4. Earning from brothels and from such other practises which are harmful to society are also unlawful.

Islam strikes to the root of evil and wants to establish a just and fair society. A Muslim must earn his living in halal ways and he should always bear in mind that what ever he does, it is known to Allah. He will be accountable for his actions on the day of judgement. He cannot hide anything from Almighty Allah.

Unlawful outgoings are also not allowed in Islam. It does not at all benefit a Muslim to spend money irresponsibly. Over-spending and waste are strongly discouraged (7:31, 17:26, 19:27, 25:68)

What is Zakat

 Zakah (welfare contribution) is the third pillar of Islam. The Arabic word Zakah means “to purify or cleanse”. Zakah is to be paid once a year on savings at the rate of two and a half percent. This rate applies to cash, bank savings, gold and silver and silver jewellery. The rate for cattle and agricultural produce is different. Payment of Zakah is a means of keeping our wealth clear of greed and selfishness.

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* Fiqhuz zakah


It also encourages us to be honest in our dealings, earnings and outgoings (spending money). Zakah is a compulsory act in Islam it is not charity or tax. Charity is optional and taxes are used by states for any purpose, but zakah is only allowed to be spent in certain places such as helping the poor, even for needy or travellers in need and for the cause of Allah. Zakah is a form of ibadah. Ibadah (Arabic) the word meaning worship or obedience. It can be done in any activity in life, if they it is done to please ...

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