Pilgrimage Radio Show

DJ: Hi I’m DJ Lindsey and welcome to the Holy Hour on Radio 5. In today’s program I will be discussing the important physical, religious journey of pilgrimage.  Firstly I’d like you to welcome two guests to the show, Mohammed Shah, a Muslim, and  Mary O’Connor, a Catholic. Both Mohammed and Mary have been on pilgrimages recently and on today’s show we will be discussing and comparing Muslim and Christian pilgrimages.  So lets begin.  Firstly Mary where did you go on pilgrimage and why?

Mary: Well I decided to go on pilgrimage to Lourdes in France, although  I could’ve gone to a number of different places including  Jerusalem, Bethlehem or Santiago de Compo Stella which are all also places strongly connected with the Christian faith.  However I chose Lourdes as I particularly wanted to visit the Holy spring, famous for its healing powers, found by St. Bernadette as I accompanied a group of people from my local church including a young disabled girl called Catherine.  

DJ: Is there a story behind this holy spring?

Mary: Oh yes.  Bernadette was a poor, uneducated Miller’s daughter who lived in the town of Lourdes during the 19th century.  On the 11th of February 1858, when Bernadette was 14 years old, she wondered off whilst collecting firewood.  She came to a place called Massabielle where there was a cave. Here she heard a gust of wind and when she looked up she saw a figure dressed in white with a blue sash and a rosary.  Bernadette felt that she should pray with the figure and when her sister and friend found Bernadette she was Kneeling, gazing up at the niche.  When Bernadette told her family of the vision they simply laughed it off as her imagination and told her too keep away from the cave.  However she returned three days later, prayed their and once again saw the figure.  On the third visit the figure spoke to Bernadette, it asked if she would visit everyday for a fortnight and said she would be rewarded in the next life.  People accompanied Bernadette but could not see the visions. On the ninth Bernadette was told by the lady to drink and wash in water from a small spring and by the end of the day it had transformed into a flowing stream. On Bernadette’s thirteenth vision of the figure on 2nd of March she was told to ask the priest to build a chapel at the cave and have regular processions. However the priest didn’t believe Bernadette until later she asked the name of the lady in her vision who replied ’I am the immaculate conception’.  This was proof of Bernadette’s visions as this term had only been invented by the pope 4 years before as a term for the Virgin Mary, the figure, and Bernadette being uneducated could not of had an idea of what these words meant. People still wash in the water of the spring Bernadette was told to wash in and drink today as it is meant to have amazing healing powers, hoever many people visit for spiritual healing as well.

DJ: So you took the girl from your church to be healed in the water.

Mary: Well that was certainly not the only reason why I went on pilgrimage to Lourdes.  Of course I would’ve liked to hope for a miracle cure for Catherine but the main reason which I personally wanted to go on pilgrimage was to strengthen and renew my faith in a less hectic place away from my daily life as sometimes it is hard for me to focus on God and when I find it hard to focus on God my faith becomes weaker.

DJ: And Mohammed where did you go on pilgrimage and what were your reasons for doing so?

Mohammed: Unlike Christianity it is compulsory for Muslims to go on pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime and the only place for Muslim pilgrimage is the Holy city of Mecca.  Pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam and is called Hajj.  If a Muslim cannot afford to visit Mecca themselves then the family, or mosque, should put their money together and send one person on pilgrimage on behalf of all the contributors.  Muslims are obliged to go on Hajj, which means set out with a definite purpose, as it is a form of submission to Allah.  Muslims also have to go on hajj at a particular time during the year for it to be a true pilgrimage.

DJ:  So when is this time?

Mohammed:  True hajj takes place from 8 Dhul Hijjah to 13 Dhul Hijjah, however, Umrah the lesser pilgrimage can take place at any time in the year.  Umrah doesn’t involve as much as Hajj as Muslims only perform three rituals, wearing the Ihram  (pilgrims clothes)  on entry to Mecca, circling the Kaba seven times which is called making the Tawaf and making the Saiy which is a running between mounts As-Safa and Al-Marwa seven times but it must be performed every time a Muslim visits Mecca, even before Hajj.

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DJ:  So why is Mecca the place where all Muslims must go on pilgrimage to?

Mohammed:  Well, Mecca is the spiritual centre of Islam and is referred to as the ’mother town’.  There are many reasons why it is such a holy city.  the first building in which to worship Allah was built here. Muslims believe that after Adam and Eve had been banished from paradise they wandered the earth alone and unhappy until they prayed to Allah for forgiveness.  Allah gave them this forgiveness and reunited them at the little mountain of Arafat.  To thank Allah for ...

This is a preview of the whole essay