[4] The apostle Paul reinforced these views to early Christians in his teachings:
There is no longer a distinction between Gentiles and Jews…Christ is all, Christ is in all
Colossians 3:11
You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
Matthew 22:39
[5] Jesus based his teachings about other people on love:
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
John 13:34
[1] Islamic is law founded upon a spirit of justice/ does not tolerate prejudice or discrimination.
[2] All people are equal, although not the same. Allah created us from one soul-differences were his intended design.
And among his signs is the creation of the heavens and the variations in your languages and your colours
Surah 30:22
[3] The brotherhood of Muslims, the ummah crossesall national and political boundaries.
[4] We have created you from a single pair of a male and a female; and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other, not that you might despise each other.
Surah 49:13
Hajj-On the Pilgrimage to Makkah, everyone wears ihram for purity/equality. All differences of wealth and status are invisible.
Salah-Praying 5 times a day at set times facing Makkah they are united in their worship no matter where they are-international brotherhood.
Sawm-Fasting during Ramadan, Muslims are strengthened by the knowledge that all are making the same sacrifice.
Discriminating because of someone’s race or colour of skin. E.g. Holocaust and Apartheid system.
- Blacks-separate schools + services, carry passes showing where work + allow to travel
- White children brought up to see blacks as subhuman + unworthy of vote
- Live in separate communities
- Apartheid laws banned in 1990
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu + Nelson Mandela/ Dutch Reform Church supports Apartheid
Christianity (Same quote as above)
[1] No division in the argument about racism for the churches. All the churches now agree that to discriminate against people on the grounds of their racial origin is wrong, and contrary to the law of God.
Racism, which is the use of a person’s racial origin to determine their value, is an assault on the Christ’s values and a rejection of his sacrifice.
World Council of Churches, Catholic Church
[2] Many people have fought against racial discrimination in both the church and society. E.g. Martin Luther King, Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Trevor Huddleston (South Africa apartheid).
You go then and do the same
Luke 10:37
Jesus said this after the Good Samaritan story, urge Christians to take an active role in the fight against racism. The deed of the Good Samaritan should be repeated.
[3] We can learn lessons from other people, from Gandhi comes the idea of non-violent protest (don’t have to be Christian to have same ideals) and from the Holocaust there are many lessons to be learnt. To be Christian, one should not just be non-racist but anti-racist.
[4] For many years in South Africa the Dutch Reformed Church supported apartheid, the system which meant that black people were separated from white people and treated as inferior.
[1] Muhammad chose a black Ethiopian as his first prayer caller (Mu’adhin).
[2] Humankind is seen as one large garden, with different varieties of flowers and colours, each important in their own right.
[3] In Hajj over 2 million Muslims of different colours and race come together as one group demonstrating the multi-racial aspect of Islam.
The Brotherhood impressed me the most, the people of all races, colours from all over the globe coming together as one. It has proved to me the power of the One God.
Malcolm X’s account of his pilgrimage to Makkah
[4] An Arab has no superiority over a non Arab nor the non Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor the other way round.
Muhammad-Last Sermon
[5] Allah does not look upon you outward appearance; He looks upon your hearts and your deeds.
Enforced by roles given to women in advertising/ home environment/ attending to children
- Employers disregards women as potential job candidates as can get pregnant-lose money thru maternity wage and time off
[1] Many Evangelical Protestants teach that man and woman should lead separate roles/ man created first over woman/ woman was deceived not man. Paul said that:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.
1 Corinthians
If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off. A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
1 Corinthians
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent
1 Timothy
[2] Modern churches: It is only recently that some churches have allowed women to become ministers or priests (including the Church of England in 1994)
- Jesus preached to women as well/in women court in the Jerusalem Temple
- Revealed himself as a saviour to a Samaritan woman/treated as equal
- Women disciples/ stayed with him at the cross unlike male ones who ran away
- After resurrection appeared to a woman/ showed compassion to adulterous woman
In Christ there is neither male/female “there is neither male nor female for you are all in Jesus Christ” Galatians
- Genesis 1-male and female were created at the same time and equally
[3] Roman Catholic Church, will still not allow ordination of women.
Man/woman equal
- Same quotes
No priests as all priests are the successors of the apostles of Jesus, and Jesus only appointed men as Apostles-only man can be priests.
[1] Islam also teaches that men and women are equal / created from same soul and will be judged equally by Allah:
…Allah created you from a single person, created his mate, and from them, twain scattered like seeds countless man and woman. Surah 24:31
[2] However, their rights are different because their roles are different. Men must support the family:
Men are the protectors of women because Allah has given the one more strength... and because they support them from their means.
Surah 4:33
[3] Although the rights and responsibilities of women are different to those of men, they do have the right to choose who they marry, to divorce, to study, to own property, to conduct business and to take part in politics.
[4] Muhammad stressed the importance of women and the respect which should be shown to them when he said:
Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.
Sunan An-Nasa'i
[5] The teachings of Islam direct Muslim women to wear modest clothes that cover their bodies when they are in public, so that men will show them the respect that they deserve:
Women should put on an outer garment when they are outside so that they should be recognised as who they are and not troubled.
Surah 33:59