AO2. Explain how this teaching about being a disciple might make a difference in the everyday lives of Christian believers today.

  Even though the gospel was written over 2000 years ago it is still relevant for Christians today. It is the source of moral and spiritual guidance. It can help people through hard times and give them strength when they are feeling weak. It is a place to look when you are afraid, helpless, sinful, strong, tempted and when you are feeling you have nothing to give. ‘Jesus calms a storm’ is where you can look when you are scared. “Why are you frightened? Have you still no faith?” (4:40). This makes us feel that as long as we have faith we do not need to be afraid which makes us a lot happier.

  The Disciples were very committed and gave up all they had to follow Jesus. There are people today who leave everything they have to go where they are needed. Priests and Nuns take vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience and work in the service of others. Martin Luther King was an American Baptist who was a very dedicated man and who was determined to get equality between blacks and whites. Blacks earned half as much as white people, many were not allowed to vote and they were not allowed into certain public places that were reserved for whites only. Although he got many death threats he continued to organise campaigns, boycotts, marches and other forms of peaceful protest. In 1965 equal voting rights were given to the black people. In 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated. He was a great inspiration during and after his death. He sacrificed a lot to help the black people have a greater quality of life. In a speech he once said “I have a dream that one day all gods children, Blacks, Whites, Jews, Gentiles, Protestant and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing the words of the black people’s old song, free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last”.

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  The first disciples were given a mission to ‘go into the world and preach the good news’. Christians can do this by being part of a justice and peace group. Corrymeela is an example. It’s on the Antrim coast of Northern Ireland on a hill above Ballycastle, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The community is made up of Protestants and Catholics. They live together, work together and worship together. “It is a place where people can meet to discuss their differences in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.” (Gordon Geddes and Jane Griffiths).  Volunteers at Corrymeela offer help to individuals ...

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