Some of the time, the people that become racist are those who have had an experience that has affected them by someone of a particular race. For example, if a Jew had raped my sister, I’d become racist or prejudge all Jews because of my past. People can also become racist because they fear people of a particular race, so they pick on what’s wrong on the outside rather then what’s right on the inside.
World War II commenced in 1939. One of the most hauntingly recognized result of the war was the death of approximately six million Jews, as well as two million ethnic Poles and four million others who were deemed unworthy of living. The theory behind the millions of murders was simple, Hitler had his own theory that the human race should consist of only those who had blonde hair and blue eyes. The Jews had dark features, which did not resemble Hitler’s ideal race, also known as the Arian race; therefore they were slaughtered or slowly died serving Germany.
Hitler’s mentality has been questioned for decades, and there have been multiple ‘excuses’ for his behavior, I personally deem him to be filled with jealousy. If we look closely into his background, it will enable us to see that he was rejected as a young boy to pursue his dream, he was not used to being unable to get what he wants; in other words he was spoilt. It has been said that the university took on many Jews, Hitler wanted revenge. I do not think that he simply did not like the appearance which consisted of dark hair and dark eyes, as he himself had dark features himself. Therefore the meaning had to have been deeper, this is why I think jealousy is a much more appropriate reason.
A recent worldwide claim of racism is the case of Jade Goody. Jade Goody appeared on a famous reality television show called Big Brother. She did not use terms that would be commonly used by a racist, however some argued that the reasoning behind her words was down to racism. Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty, a famous Indian actress, were constantly arguing on set; however it was one argument that caught the public eye. Shilpa Shetty did not think Jade was racist; she claimed that it was a clash of cultures. Jade soon apologized after being evicted from the show and was forgiven by Shilpa. Jade later on went to the Indian Big Brother to compensate for her actions to the Indian public; however she later found out that she had been diagnosed with terminal cervical cancer whilst on the show. Many thought this to be Karma.
In France a law has been passed which bans clothing that enables you to express your religion, including headscarves and Jewish hats, the article below taken from the BBC website, describes the situation.
I do not agree at all with the law, in France you are allowed to wear your own clothes to school, so I think they should be able to wear what they like on their heads also. However I do understand the concept of everyone being equal, I personally think that is what uniform is for.
Some may deem the new law as racially offensive; it is shocking that laws with a slight doubt of racism are still being passed today. Being against those who express their religion is still a form of racism. However Racism is an issue that w ill never be 100% combated.
Racism can also happen subconsciously, i.e. people associating dark colours with evil in movies or just naturally, when evil is present, the lights slowly dim. The evil characters in Disney films always seem to be a darker skin or have black hair then that of the ‘goodies’. I’ve never seen a Disney film where the evil has blonde hair and blue eyes, from a racists perspective I would be able to make a connection between black evil and black people.
Racism has implanted itself into our society, important social issues such crime, unemployment and housing is often thrusted upon ethnic groups. When matters turn rough, racism becomes more extensive as it is easier to blame those of another ethnic background then providing explanations to serious situations.
Statistics for crime in the UK show that those found guilty of committing a crime are eight times more likely to be black and three times more likely to be Asian.
It is now against the law to prejudge or produce any racist act including pay, holidays, benefits and dismissal from work. It is also unlawful to persuade prejudice mindsets within society.
What biblical teachings may be used in a discussion about racism?
The bible condemns racism, Christianity teaches that everyone is equal in the eyes of God (James 2: 1-9 Christians must not show any favoritism or treat some people better than others. [This could be used in a discussion about gender, race, rich or poor.]) Christianity teaches that there is no social hierarchy; no one’s life is of more importance than others.
God is teaching us to take care of the world and everyone in the world; Christianity teaches that we shouldn’t cause friction by prejudging one another. Genesis 1: 26-31 states that God created the earth and appointed humans as stewards to care for the world.
Deuteronomy reminds the Israelites to treat everyone equally and not take advantage of those who are alone and vulnerable, whilst Leviticus teaches them to not ill-treat foreigners, as they themselves were once foreigners in Egypt. Leviticus is teaching them to show them the welcoming that they had once wanted. ‘Love him as you love yourself’ Care for him as you expect to be cared for yourself, show him the friendship you would want, as a Christian the foreigner is your equal.
Jesus based his teachings on equality of race and love that we should show one another.
Matthew 22:39 ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’
John 13:34 ‘ love one another just as I have loved you.’
Jesus tells The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 verses 25-37.) Jesus is teaching Christians that compassion should be shown to all people, no matter what differences in race or beliefs, Jew or Samaritan, both teach equality of people. Therefore we should help one another and ignore differences, just like the Good Samaritan. He was a good neighbour and took care of the Jew who needed caring. Jesus also creates a new definition for ‘a good neighbour’ in the parable.
Christianity also condemns discrimination for being a certain gender and for how wealthy you are. St Paul wrote: ‘So there is no difference between Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ St Paul also refers to ‘slave or free’ even though Christians were a part of the African slave trade, St Paul has stated that whether you are a slave or a free man, in the eyes of God both lives are of equal importance.
The Methodist church states, "We affirm that racism is a direct contradiction of the gospel of Jesus, we welcome the multi-racial nature of society." The Methodist church opposes racial division and relish the thought of a multi cultured society.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church - "Racism is a sin, a violation of God's intention for humanity." The Evangelical Lutheran Church show blatant resistance towards any racial thought or act by stating it would be a sin against God.
The Church also believes in equality. The Church does not believe that some are superior to others. Vatican II: ‘The Church condemns as unacceptable in the eyes of Christ any discrimination against people or any harassment on the basis of their race, colour, condition in life or religion.’
Christianity also does not teach that Christians or any other religious group are superior to those of another faith, In my opinion Christians are equal to members of any other religion or those without religion. St Paul said that if you were a follower of Jesus, difference in race, origin, background, gender and colour would not count for anything. St Paul did not mention any opinions on the importance of these factors if someone was of a different religion.
Christianity as a whole prohibits any form of racism; it teaches that Christians should not treat anyone as inferior because of their origin or colour of skin for the Church believes that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Explain how Christians put their beliefs about racism into practice.
All branches of Christianity teach that everyone should be treated equally, racial differences should not change our attitude to others - James 2: 1-9 Christians must not show any favouritism or treat some people better than others.
Opinions on someone shouldn’t be made based on experiences between another person of the same race, as each and every one of us are unique - Jeremiah 1:5 OT ‘before you were born I set you apart.’
In the New Testament Jesus teaches us to be peaceful and take on a peaceful approach towards others, Violence will have concequences, i.e. Nelson Mandela used violence, earning him 27 years in prison. Matthew 26: 47-52 ‘Put your sword back in it’s place, for all who draws the sword will die by the sword’
Desmond Tutu was also an opponent of apartheid, Desmond Tutu: "When missionaries came to South Africa, we had the land, they had the Bible. Then they told us, 'Let's close our eyes and pray.' When we opened our eyes we saw that we have the Bible, they have the land." Desmond Tutu shows the importance of Christianity in his life, he’s showing that land can be taken away, however faith can’t. No one could take away his perspective on Christianity like they did his land. Violence may brake bones however it will never alter a person’s faith or soul.
Desmond Tutu: ‘If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.’ Desmond shows that size will not affect appreciaton or earn you respect, neither will violence – telling someone they are something by threatening them will not get you anywhere. Discussing and appreciating others views might earn you the respect and appreciation. If the elephant had a conversation with the mouse, the mouse would show more appreciation to the elephant.
Desmond Tutu also strongly believes that the world belongs to God, he also reffered to what God would think. He followed Psalm 24:1 – 2 (States that the world belongs to God)
James 2: 14 – 16 states that faith must be accompanied by action - Tutu strongly believed in that, he continued to show his faith and his Christian beliefs on topics, including homosexuality.
Desmond Tutu shows that he has put his Christian beliefs into practice, he, similarly to Jesus, did not believe in violence.
Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist; he also helped remove racial segregation. Martin Luther King was famous for using non-violent means, he put his Christian beliefs into practise by following the teachings of Jesus – Jesus taught Christians not to be violent, Matthew 5: 9: Jesus said ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ Jesus, like Martin Luther King did not respond violently – Matthew 26: 47-52 Jesus did not use violence even when he was arrested. When someone cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant, Jesus healed him and said ‘Put your sword back in its place for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ When the dogs were released on the black protestors, Martin Luther King did not respond violently, instead he carried on protesting. Not once did Martin Luther King use violence for self-defence, or persuade people to respond physically.
Martin Luther King became a worldwide roll model; his peaceful actions were valued by the nation. He influenced some involved in The Troubles in Northern Ireland to resolve the problems they had peacefully.
Unfortunately there are branches of people who claim to be Christians, however do not follow ‘anti-racism’, infact such groups oppose the idea of equality and support ideas such as white supremeacy. The most famous group being the Klu Klux Klan, who put their strong views into practise using violence, causing a lot of grief with in society. The reason simply being because from their perspective, racism is seen as right. The church has made a statement, stating that groups such as this are not in any way connected to the Christian church.
An example of which Christians appear guilty of actions it discourages (i.e. racism, prejudging and discrimination) is in South Africa when the Ductch Reformed Church supported apartheid, also when europeans were colonising other countries around the world they murdered those that were native or treated them as slaves. This goes against the teachings of God; God teaches that we are all equal. Trevor Huddleston however was a respected anti-Apartheid activist, who fought tirelessly in South Africa against the vicious apartheid laws, he became a good friend of Desmond Tutu who visited him following Huddleston’s death and prayed for Africa: "God bless Africa, Guard her people, Guide her leaders, and give her peace."
CARJ ‘Envisions a Church and a society that affirm value, respect and celebrate the equality and dignity of all God's people.’ CARJ started in 1984, CARJ’s main focus in 1984 was to make Asian Christians and others of an ethnic background feel more included as a part of the Christian community. CARJ began ‘educating’ within schools, parishes, with Christians and people of other faiths to teach how important it is to have a universal church – they took action (James 2: 14-16 ‘Faith must be accompanied by action’ – CARJ followed that through) CARJ were determined to terminate the feeling of racial discrimination within the Christian community and ensure a warm welcoming to all Christians. CARJ are still making progress today, continuing to make Christianity an inclusive church.
Ways in which Christians could contribute positively to the progression of anti-racism, includes taking part in the making and funding of charities or suscribing to organisations and magazines. Searchlight is an example of an organization willing to combat racism and all forms of prejudice. It has been around for over thirty years, it is a monthly world wide magazine that his been in progress since 1975.
Christians may also make a special effort to avoid making judgments about people before they know them properly. If they are at work, they could do all they can to make sure that equal opportunities policies are implemented. They could make it clear to their friends and colleagues that they disapprove of racist or sexist jokes. Christians could try to bring up their children to share their views about all of humanity being equally valuable. They could pray about the problems caused by racism and sexism. They could join an organization which campaigns for equality. They could make sure that members of the community who are from ethnic minorities are made to feel welcome, included and respected. Finally, Christians could take part in a peaceful demonstration against racism or sexism.
Christians today I would say are not as peaceful as the previous generations, however many still continue to put their Christian beliefs into practise. I think todays generation are more peaceful as society has become less racist, and it is also now illegal to be racist towards someone, therefore it is not a must for Christians to reflect back on the Church’s teachings on racism, as it is now seen as ‘bad’.
Christians today and in previous years have acted upon their Christian beliefs and followed teachings from the Bible.
‘Violence is an inappropriate response to racism.’
There are mainly two ways in which Christians respond to racism, methods using violence and non-violent means. Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu and Trevor Huddleston are well known for practicing pacifist ways to combat racism i.e. the apartheid in South Africa. All three of these famous leaders believe that all forms of violence are wrong, they believe that methods that lead to torment and physical pain is deemed as incorrect.
A pacifist is the name given for someone who is always against violence no matter the difficulty of the situation. The reasoning behind this is simply not to sink to your opponents level, in this case the racist. Retaliating violently would deem you just as bad as a racist, if not worse. Pacifists may claim that the Ten Commandments, which dates back thousands of years ago has stated ‘You shall not kill’.
Martin Luther King insisted that whatever the opponents did, the protestors should never ever react physically. Reacting physically would give something that they could use against you. If the black protestors responded with violence, it would prove the government right; it would show that black people may well be inferior.
MLK: ‘if he does not beat you - good! If he beats you, you develop the inner conviction of accepting the blows without retaliating"
An example of where violence backfired was when the Black Panthers took weapons and protested to the KKK, the KKK did not use violence and were seen as the victims. The KKK then accused the Black Panthers of being violent; they tried to prove to the nation that black people were inferior and that they were simply helping society. If Martin Luther King did use violence the result would be the same as that of the Black Panthers, people would judge the fighting and ignore the reasoning.
It is also harder for someone to resist retaliation than to fight back, some may say that those who do not retaliate are stronger both physically and mentally. Violence itself, is generally thought of as negative and ‘bad’, there is a saying that ‘violence breeds violence’, meaning that the response for violence will be more violence, not a resolution.
Others believe that in some cases violence would be an appropriate response. Some of these people may have originally started off with the mind set of violence being inappropriate, however events in someone’s life may change views and perspectives on certain aspects of life, in this case – racism.
Some also go along with the saying ‘you’re all talk’ people may say violence is inappropriate, however when you encounter a racist situation, it’s harder to act upon your beliefs. If someone is physically violent towards you because of your exterior, it would be exceedingly hard to not react. Also, sometimes not reacting physically doesn’t get the message across.
In some situations reacting violently will stop any more racist remarks, as you earn respect from certain people through fear, however people may see it from a different perspective, and you have to ask yourself if it is worth sinking to their level. It differs depending on one’s morals.
Some may argue that if peaceful means do not work at first upon a situation, then violence would be the only way for it, one who used to fit into this category would be the famous Nelson Mandela. His mind set at first was against violence, however he grew tiresome after years and years of peaceful political activity, he decided that he would try out other approaches towards the situation of Apartheid in South Africa. Nelson Mandela used violence against the government, however the consequences of his actions were severe, and he was later imprisoned.
Bishop Desmond Tutu is claimed to have stated that the government should not be surprised if blacks used violence to earn their civil rights.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a protestant minister considered that the only way to stop the murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis was to assassinate Hitler. He joined in a plot to blow up the German leader. He was caught and executed.
Some may say that the Jews are another example of where non-violence fails. The Jews did not retaliate, they did as they were told by the Nazi’s, the most they did was try to escape or go into hiding, but they did not use violence, their non violent means lead to millions of murders.
Christians believe that in some situations it would be right, and in some, wrong.
In the New testament Jesus teaches that Violence is always an inappropriate reaction – Matthew 26: 47 – 52 ‘Put your sword back in its place for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’
However, In the Old Testament bible insinuates that violence is an appropriate response – Joel 3: 9–10 ‘The prophet told the people that God wanted them to go and fight.’
Jesus used violence during the cleansing of the temple; he was outraged that things were being sold in his father’s house; he ‘overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.’ - Matthew 21:12.
Many Christians believe that Jesus was completely against violence in any shape or form, Jesus set his people an example of what was right and wrong, using violence would be going against his teachings ‘Blessed are the peacemakers…’ – 8 Beatitudes . Jesus preached that we should love God and our neighbour, love should always be strong enough to conquer any other emotion, including anger and frustration which would lead to violence. Jesus said ‘You shall not kill, but I say to you anyone who is angry with his brother is liable to judgement’ - Jesus meant that those who did kill would be sent to hell.
For this reason, Quakers, or the religious Society of Friends, are pacifists. They consider all war and all violence is wrong and they work to spread their message of non violence.
The Old Testament is for violence, and the New Testament is against violence.
In both Old and New Testaments it teaches Christians not to be racist.
I believe that violence is both an inappropriate and appropriate response to racism. I think that it is dependant on the situation. If it were to be a situation with a lot of importance, a situation that would change the future, then violence would be inappropriate.
If it would stop someone from discriminating against you because of your differences, then I think violence may be the most effective response.
I do agree that one who does not retaliate is not the weaker one, on the surface he may be deemed as weak, however if one looks deeper, the conscience of his mind is definitely stronger.
Racism Coursework
Cahina Nurina Khalil