Religion and equality essay

        Prejudice means to prejudge some one without sufficient information or knowledge, but it can be an irrational attitude that develops after we have come in contact with a group of people that differ from ourselves. It is a negative cultural attitude, directed against an individual or a group of people that is based on a generalised stereotype. Prejudice is also the belief that a person who we think belongs to a particular group will have certain characteristics. Prejudice can be a method of ‘scapegoating’ which can be a way of expelling frustrations.

Discrimination is an act, behaviour or unequal treatment towards some one based on prejudice, so discrimination is the action following or based on a persons prejudice.
Racism and sexism would come under prejudice or discrimination.

An example of racism would be any distinction, exclusion, or first choice based on race, colour, national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of getting rid of or lowering their respect.

        The Bible condemns racism. We can see this by examining Paul’s letters, the life and teachings of Jesus and passages from the Old Testament. Paul’s letters in the bible rule out racism altogether. He told the Galatians that what matters is faith. It is not the Jews who are Abraham’s true descendants, but those who have faith in Jesus. “So there is no difference between Jews and gentiles, between salves and free men, between men and women, you are all in one union with Christ”(Galatians 3:28). This means that, as we are all children of God no matter what colour, sex or race, we are, we are all equal. Another example of this would be when Jesus said “Do not ill treat foreigners who are living in your land, love them as you love yourself”Leviticus19:33(-the Old Testament), he was talking about racism and how it is wrong. Not only did Jesus say that we should treat people of other races fairly but we should love our enemies as it shows in the next passage from the bible” there was a man who was stripped and beaten; he was left lying on the floor half dead. A priest walked by and just walked past him, A Levite also walked by, he then walked past the man. But a Samaritan who was an enemy of the dying man stopped and helped the man” (Luke 10:25). Another example of this would be when Jesus said “love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you” (Luke chapter 6:27), Jesus is saying that we must help our neighbours, but some people would say who would be our neighbours? Jesus is saying that every person is our neighbour so we must help all of them-thus we must help anyone who needs it. Jesus teaches that everyone is our fellow citizen, for in the bible it says, “Love thy neighbour as you love yourself”- Love knows no boundaries or distinctions. The story of the Samaritan’s compassion is a model for everybody, Racial origins were irrelevant in this passage; the test was which one loved his neighbour as himself.


        Christian teachings evidently encourage racial agreement and harmony. For instance the archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey once said that

“Racism has no part in the Christian Gospel. It contradicts our Lord’s command to love our neighbours as ourselves. It offends he belief that every person is made in the image of God and is equal”

Another example of  a Christian teaching would be a quote from the Kairos document (1985) “This divider is sinister and evil: a God who is historically on the side of white settlers, who dispossesses Black people of their land and who gives the major part of the land to his ‘chosen people’. The God of the South African state is not merely a false God, it is devil disguised as almighty God-the antichrist” This passage is talking about the apartheid and is saying that anyone who supports racism is supporting Evil and is against Jesus Christ. Bishop Sentamu is chairman of the committee for minority Ethnic Anglican concerns, he said that “colour is good, Lord God, You are colour-blind, I believe that you don’t care whether a person is black or white, or any other colour so we shouldn’t care either”. So most Christians would argue that all people are equal no matter what race, this attitude is supported by statements from church leaders, an example would be when George Carey (Archbishop of Canterbury) “Racism has o part in the gospel, it contradicts our Lord’s command to love our neighbours as ourselves”. Other people for instance the White-dominated DRC (Dutch reformed church) may have opposing views to this which would be “People are important, their eyes are important, their names are important, their race is important, and their colour is important”. In South Africa were racism is still clearly present the white-dominated DRC argue that God had deliberately divided the people of the world into different races and white people were made to be superior to black people. The DRC said that the passage “So there is no difference between Jews and gentiles, between salves and free men, between men and women, you are all in one union with Christ” (Galatians 3:28) meant that people are spiritually equal but not physically equal. The DRC argues that the races should stay pure so mixed marriages and relationships should not be encouraged and that the races should be kept separate because the racist apartheid laws were Gods will to keep races apart. The DRC uses the bible to back up its views towards racism, it says that the creation story shows God dividing everything and that in the same way whites should be separate from blacks. The Bible says that there is one God and this God is for everybody and it doesn’t matter about your race as it clearly states in this quote “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed, for there is no distinction between Jew or Greek for there is the same Lord overall” (Romans 10:11). This means that Gods provision is not for whites or Europeans but any person that is righteous. A quote from the Bible reads “your are all Abrahams seeds”(Galatians 3:29) this is short but it quickly sums up what the Bible says about racism-it should not happen because you all come from the same seed so you are all in one union thus there is no difference between any of you.

        Roman Catholics denounce prejudice, racism and any segregation against black people. A Roman Catholics attitude towards the bible reference “Do not ill treat foreigners who are living in your land…..” (Leviticus 19:33) would be that they have a responsibility to treat people of other races or colour in the right way which is not ill treating them. Roman Catholics believe that no one should look down on anybody else because of their status in life and we should all be treated equally. For in the bible it says “I now understand….that God has no favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34).When Jesus said “There is no longer any distinction between Gentiles, Jews, circumcised, uncircumcised, barbarians, savages…..”(Colossians 3:1) Roman Catholics would say if there is no distinction between Jews, gentiles, barbarians and savages, there is no distinction therefore between blacks and whites. As a result Roman Catholics believe that a recognition of diversity should lead to respect for difference, for example racial or skin difference.

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Roman Catholics believe that Jesus made everyone how he wanted them to be and this in turn means that every single person is equal regardless of their creed, colour, race or gender-Jesus created us all so we are all children of his, In view of the fact that in the bible it says “Every human being is made in the image of God” (Genesis 1:26).

A Roman catholic church published a report in 1965 about racism a quote from it read “The church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination against people or any harassment of them ...

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