What can a study of St Mark's Gospel tell Christians about what it means to be a disciple?

Discipleship Coursework Question 1 A disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ and his teachings. There are many passages throughout Mark's Gospel that tell us how to be a god disciple, but they are not just listed, they are taught through accounts, stories and parables. When the disciples were called by Jesus they responded with immediate willingness, for example when Jesus calls the first two disciples who were fishermen, Simon and Andrew: "Jesus said to them come with me, and I will teach you to catch people. At once they left their nets and went with him". (Mark 1:17-18) In Mark 2:14 Jesus tells Levi to "Follow me"; "Levi got up and followed him". When Jesus chose the twelve disciples in 'Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles', all twelve were willing and went ahead to preach the word of Jesus Christ. All Jesus' disciples had to make sacrifices to become disciples, for example they had to leave their family behind in order to follow Jesus. So this means that Christians must be willing to follow Jesus and make substantial sacrifices. Disciples should aim to do as Jesus did. Jesus gave his disciples authority over evil spirits and ordered them to take as little as possible, to leave all behind and go ahead to preach and heal (Mark 6:7-11). The two quotes: "The apostles returned and met with Jesus, and told him all they had done and taught" (Mark 6:30) and "They went out and

  • Word count: 1344
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Baptism?

Baptism Ao1 Rite of Passage is a ceremony that marks the passing of stages in life. Two fixed things that always happen are birth and death. For a non-religious person marriage having children, getting old, death is the usual pattern. Christians have the same things only have ceremonies too. In a catholic church we have these important occasions, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and death. Baptism is when we become part of Gods family. It is the sign when someone has turned from their bad ways and Holy Spirit to guide them. Christian's are baptised to follow Jesus' example. It is a sign of new life. In a Roman Catholic Church we are baptised as infants. In infant baptism children are baptised using a font. Infant baptism is when a child from a Christian family is invited to become God's child. As babies are too young to take vows the parents and God parents do it for them. Their parents and God parents vow to bring their child up in a Christian environment. It starts off with the welcome. The priest asks the parents and God parents if they will bring up their child as a Christian. He reminds them of their responsibilities as Parents and God parents. The parents and God parents make the sign of the cross on the baby's fore head following after the priest. A person then comes up to the lectern to read a piece from the Bible. After, the priest says the homily. He anoints the

  • Word count: 715
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Discipleship.

GCSE Coursework Disipleship ) a) Mark's Gospel clearly shows us that the disciples were always learning about discipleship from Jesus. They are taught about everything to do with discipleship; the costs, the rewards; the importance of faith and prayer; and the roles they played. One of the main things that the disciples found out about was the cost of discipleship. Even before they chose to follow Jesus they were told "Anyone wants to come with me... He must forget self carry his cross and follow me", Mark 8:34. This means that if you are going to follow Jesus, then you must be prepared to follow the same path and to give everything up, maybe even their life. One of the things they learnt about was the rewards that discipleship had to offer. In Mark 10:29-30 Jesus tells the disciples of the clear rewards they will receive: "I tell you that anyone who leaves homes or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and for the gospel will receive one hundred times more houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields". Mark 5:36 Jesus teaching about the importance of faith, "Don't be afraid, only believe." He said this when he was about to bring Jairus' daughter back to life. Jesus is clearly telling people that if you have faith, you will be healed. b) When the disciples chose to follow Several of the disciples

  • Word count: 1167
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Discipleship?

Discipleship . In this piece of coursework I will be studying the subject of discipleship. A disciple is someone who is a follower or a pupil of someone who then puts into practice what they have been taught. A good disciple needs to be loyal and has to have faith, strength, bravery, be able to work with others, and has to be willing to live a simple life. The first ever disciples were ordinary people; they were zealots, tax collectors and fishermen. Jesus was the person they learnt from, he taught them to have faith, heal the sick, how to preach to people, he taught them how to lead a simple life, and how to believe in the kingdom of God. Modern day Christians need similar qualities to the first disciples, the most important qualities they need is faith so they learn from and understand the Bible, to be able to lead a simple life, and to be able to love everyone even people who are there enemies. Everyone is called to be a disciple of Jesus either by becoming a member of a religious order such as a priest or nun or just by accepting Christ as there saviour and then spreading his message through the way they live there lives. The first disciples Jesus called were Simon, Andrew, James, and John, he called them when he was walking along the shore of lake Galilee and they were fishing. The reason he might have chose these people to be his disciples is he saw in them some of

  • Word count: 2996
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Discipleship?

Discipleship Teachers around the time when Jesus lived thought that learning was such that the people who wanted to learn should come to them to be taught. But Jesus felt differently and rather than waiting for people to come to him, he went out to find them and then chose them to be his followers. He called them disciples and this word means one who learns. But Jesus chose his disciples carefully as we are told in Mark 1:16-20 and also in Mark 3:13-19. In the first passage, Jesus appoints his first four disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John. They were two sets of brothers and were all fishermen. Jesus said to them "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17) Immediately, they left their things and followed a man they hardly knew. This shows that they were willing to give up everything for someone who they knew they could trust. In Mark 2:13-17, Jesus calls up the fifth disciple, Levi who was a tax collector, and Jesus later renamed him Matthew. But Levi was not called in the same way as the other four disciples. Jesus was with him at the tax collector's booth and Jesus simply said, "Follow me" (Mark 2:14) and he rose and followed Jesus. These five men responded immediately to Jesus and this is very surprising as he is a man who they have never met before. But it appears that Jesus has some sort of authority, which causes them to respond

  • Word count: 2816
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Discipleship?

R.E COURSEWORK - DISCIPLESHIP When most people hear the word disciple, they immediately think of the twelve disciples of Jesus, which is, in a way, correct. A disciple is someone who follows another, Jesus in this case, physically and spiritually. I think there are five factors that are crucial to be a true disciple and in through these discipleship can be summed up; to heal, to teach, to preach, to believe and to serve. Jesus called his first four disciples one day when he was walking by Galilee. He saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and he said to them: "Come with me and I will make you fishers of men". Simon Peter and Andrew immediately left their boats and followed him. Later on he saw James and John by the lake also and told them to follow him too and they did so. The calling of the first four disciples shows straight away that Jesus had not come for those who were highest in society or those who had the most authority, but for everyone. Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John were only simple fishermen and yet Jesus has chosen them as his disciples to give up what they had to follow him. Next came the call of Levi. Levi was a tax - gatherer. Tax - gatherers were generally seen as dishonest and were disliked by society but still Jesus called him to be a disciple and Levi got up and followed him. This shows that Jesus was willing to forgive those who wanted forgiveness

  • Word count: 1238
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is Discipleship?

Discipleship Joanne Lathan A disciple is a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. A disciple is a follower; the first twelve disciples picked by Jesus were called Apostles. These men were sent out by him to preach, teach people, heal and drive out demons. The number twelve was important because it represented the twelve tribes of Israel; this shows that Christianity was open to anybody, rich or poor, and accessible to people of different races. The Apostles were ordinary people; Simon, Andrew, James and John were fishermen. They all left their homes, families and jobs to follow Jesus. Jesus also chose a tax collector (Levi, a social outcast) and a Zealot (Simon, a freedom fighter) who would have disliked each other; there would have been disagreements and arguments. Jesus told them to " Come with me and I will teach you to catch men," (Mark 1:17) this meant that by following Jesus they would be united as one. The Apostles were committed to Jesus and they showed this by following him, leaving their families, living a hard and poor life. They followed his teachings while being persecuted, hunted, degraded and un-supported. They were hunted down many Christians were thrown to the lions and some Apostles were killed for their beliefs. Like St. Paul, an early Christian. He was crucified, for being a Christian. However he didn't feel worthy enough

  • Word count: 1514
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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