religious studies abortion coursework:SECTION C

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Is abortion justified? This is a very controversial issue and continues to raise intense debate amongst many people today. First of all it is important to understand the meaning of justify. It means to show that something is right or just. It is also very important to realise that abortion is of course legally justified. The law states that a woman whose pregnancy hasn’t yet reached 24 weeks has the right to an abortion.

        One thing that is for certain is that all Christians (and most other people for that matter) do not think that the act of abortion is right. It is sometimes a very gruesome thing and brings up strong views in many people. The only thing that could ever really make abortion justified in the eyes of a Christian are the circumstances in which it takes place. Sometimes very bad circumstances warrant an abortion because the abortion is seen to be “the lesser of two evils”. Roman Catholics however, believe that an abortion is never an option. They are completely against the idea of abortion as they believe that it is going against the will of God.

        There are many arguments which are in favour of abortion. These include the idea that it is a woman’s right to do with her body as she pleases. Many people see a foetus as simply another part of the woman’s body. This is one of the main arguments for abortion.        

        Another is that if the woman’s life is in danger then it is for the best to abort the baby. An adult female is a fully grown recognisable human being whereas a foetus is not fully developed so it is more important that the woman goes on living. The unborn child has had no experience of life and is free of sin. This would mean that the unborn child would be pretty much guaranteed a place in heaven.

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        Perhaps the easiest reason to understand is if the child will be born with some sort of crippling disease or condition, which means it will live a hard life, which is perhaps not worth living. In cases like this abortion can be seen to be the most loving thing to do for the child.

        It is possible to argue that abortion is not murder and therefore is justified. Many say that in the early stages of development a foetus is not a human. It is not recognisable as a human, and therefore isn’t human.

        It is very important when considering ...

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