Short story It was the night of the year that few children can sleep. The night when everyone hopes that snow will fall

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Original writing: short story

It was the night of the year that few children can sleep. The night when everyone hopes that snow will fall and they will wake up to a garden of glistening diamonds grown by the morning sun. It was Christmas Eve.

As many had hoped, snow was falling. It slowly covered the houses and streets in a thick blanket. The moon shone her silver light down on the white world, and but for one, there was nobody to view the kind of beauty that things such as love and dreams are made of. The only one there to see the spectacle was a small boy of five, or six years.

This little boy possessed a beauty not of this earth, a beauty that surpassed even all that surrounded him. His curly blond hair had never seen a blade, and it framed a face that belonged to a cherub of a painting of old. His eyes were of the brightest, clearest blue, and they sparkled like pools of water born on the earth's first day. His skin was as pink and soft as a newborn child's. It was a beauty born in the dreams of dead poets, and the few lucky enough to see it with their own eyes would remember it as long as they lived.

On this night of happiness and anticipation, the little boy wandered sad and alone through a painting so beautiful no one could ever paint it. The glistening tears frozen to his cheeks told a story, but it is one that is lost to us. No one will ever know why the boy was alone, and there was no one to even care that he was. And that was all he wanted. He walked through the snow hoping only that someone would save him. That someone would come to him, and hug him, and tell him that everything would be all right. And maybe, just maybe, someone would love him. That was the thing the boy wanted most in the world on that cold night. On the night that every other child wished for toys, and puppies, this little boy wished for love. And nothing more.

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Finally, the little boy came to a stop, not wanting to ever take another step again. He raised his downcast eyes, and in front of him stood a church. He remembered that he had been to church before, and the building that loomed above him stirred vague memories. The boy made himself stumble a few more steps, and pressed his face to the glass door he had arrived at. He looked in, and saw the church was lit up inside. There was light coming from behind a man on a big cross, and two huge Christmas trees shone in heavenly ...

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