Should Capital Punishment Be Brought Back Into the U.K.?

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Ed Daggett November 01


In December 1969, hanging for murder was abolished in Britain. Since then there have been varying views and some still feel that the bible is right. In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount,

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

In other words if someone does something wrong then it should be done back to them. These days this is considered inhumane. I do not agree with capital punishment for any crime. I also think that if a person is killed for a murder then this is not a true punishment. A person should be given a life sentence instead. In prison the person's livelihood is taken away and they suffer and they have to think about what they have done and that is a real punishment.
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The U.K. is a very civilised country. It gives us the right of free speech and we live in an almost perfect democracy. Capital Punishment has been recognised as a civilised way of disposing a country of their unwanted criminals at one time in their history. This is true in the U.K. as well. Slowly countries that claim it is uncivilised to kill people for crimes they have committed have abolished the death penalty. I will also look at the impact of the death penalty on crime figures in Britain before and after 1969. Over the years countries ...

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