"So when you give something to a needy person, do not make a big show of it, as the hypocrites do in the houses of worship and on the streets." In this assignment I will examine what Christians believe about their responsibilities for others.

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Poverty Assignment

Matthew 6- “So when you give something to a needy person, do not make a big show of it, as the hypocrites do in the houses of worship and on the streets.”

In this assignment I will examine what Christians believe about their responsibilities for others. Firstly I am going to look at why Jesus and the bible are important. Next I will look at the Christian values and say where Christians get these values. I will then explain what Jesus taught about helping others and then say what the first Christians believed about sharing with others. I am then going to look at what the Roman Catholic Church teaches about helping others today and then give an example of a Christian organisation, which helps others and then I will briefly say what it does.

        In the next part of my assignment I will give two examples of problems faced by people in developing countries and explain how Christians might apply their beliefs to these problems. In the final part of my assignment I will argue for and against the statement “Charity does not have the effect Christians want. It makes people lazy and keeps them poor.” I will then give my own opinions on the statement.



In this part of my assignment I am going to look at why Jesus and the bible are important for Christians. I will then look at the Christian values and then look at what Christianity teaches about helping others.

In Christianity, Jesus is important for various reasons. Jesus was the first Christian and without him Christianity would have never become a religion. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s revelation. One reason that Jesus is important to Christians is because they believe Jesus died to set the people of the world free from sin. This belief is called the redemption. Christians also believe that Jesus is the incarnation, this is that Jesus is fully man and fully God at the same time. This belief is often seen as a mystery of faith. Christians also believe Jesus to have authority because he is God. Some people do not believe that Jesus is important and this may be because of their faith.

        The bible is important to Christians because they believe it is God’s word to the world. It is often said to be the word of God. Christians sometimes call the bible the Sacred Scripture. This means that it is unlike any other writing. The bible has special authority because it is said to be Inspired writing. This means that the people who wrote the gospels were inspired by God’s spirit.

        Different Christian groups interpret the scriptures in different ways. There are a group of Christians that are known as ‘Fundamentalists’ or ‘Literalists.’ This group of Christians take every word of the bible to be the truth and they follow the teachings of Jesus very literally. In the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, the fundamentalists would believe that Jesus actually fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish and then still had twelve baskets left over. The Catholic Church takes a critical approach to the bible and they believe parables like the feeding of the five thousand to have symbolic meanings rather than being the actual truth. The Catholic Church believes the feeding of the five thousand to be symbolic of the messianic feast and sharing. Although the Catholic Church does not believe the parables to be actual truth they still believe parables have authority.

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        Values are something that someone believes in and they are very important to that person. Christians take their beliefs from scriptures, tradition and Jesus’ teachings.  The Ten Commandments are the basic rules of Christianity. Christians still believe many of the commandments are relevant today, for example ‘Do not kill’. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God. Although the Ten Commandments are very important to Christians they actually come from the religion of Judaism. The Beatitudes are another basic foundation of Christianity. Jesus gave these to his disciples at the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). The Beatitudes are ...

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