Talking about miracles

A miracle is described as a remarkable event and welcome event that seams impossible to explain by means of the known laws of nature and which is there for attributed to a supernatural agency. A miracle can be also described as something supernatural and extraordinary, which cannot be normally done or normally happen.

Miracles to some people is something which is contrary to the laws of nature (i.e. nature miracles of Jesus, walking on water and the “supernatural”) this is naturally beyond our understanding which is why it is refereed to as a miracle.

Some people refer to a miracle as the operation of the laws of nature we don’t know about yet. An example of is that something, which we see to day, is normal i.e. like a light bulb, this might be a miracle to people of the old times because they didn’t understand or know how to do it then. This suggests that we might find something due to science in the future which might explain the miracles of Jesus

Christians believe that a miracle is God gifted to a person who believes and follows the word of God. , They believe that God gives the person the power to perform miracles and heal people. (An event through which the power of god is shown.) Some Christians believe that some priests heal people in the church

In Jesus' day the word “miracle” meant a supernatural event or action through which the power of god is shown. From a supernatural force by God. According to the writers to the gospel “Jesus' enemies thought he performed miracles through the power of the devil”. They defined miracle as something which an ordinary man is unable to perform and as the healing of sickness or illness, Jesus cured plenty people during his time because according to the gospels he felt pity for them. Jesus cued plenty people from dangerous illness, he made the blind see, he made the lame walk people in Jesus' day had to pray to God to get rid of their illness. Because in that time there was hardly any cure for most of their illnesses. 

People use the word miracle to explain something which does not normally happen, which isn’t natural. An example is if someone escapes a very-impossible-to-escape situation, maybe a house collapsing on the person during an earthquake, it might be refereed to as a miracle because the person narrowly escaped death. When it was almost impossible that the person wouldn’t. People use miracle as way of explaining something, which isn’t really normal to happen, people define miracle as something to do with escaping disease and death.

Other explanations to which people of our day now consider a miracle to be are something, which is unbelievable like someone who gets cures from an HIV disease. People relate the word miracle to something to do with the miracles of Jesus' weather knowingly or not. An example is if a person gets cured from sickness, survives death e.t.c it is used as an object of wonder, phenomenon, marvel or vision. 

The Jews, which were around in the time of Jesus’, had a very strong belief in God. They believed that God was the creator and sustained of all and the universe and everything in it, so they believes that God was sill in the world and active within it. The Jews belief in God was very strong so the idea of the laws of nature wouldn’t have been as meaning full or important. The Jews thought that a person, who did miracle, used forces from the devil, they thought that magical formulas or rituals usually accompanied the people who did miracles. 

People like Morris Cerullo and Billy Hinn who are now a world wide known evangelists who went round and trying to preach to people to accept Jesus, this people believed in Jesus and his miracles and they wanted the people to accept this and also believe. Morris Cerullo haws been going round the world preaching “the gospel to every creature” He delivers the message that the resurrection, saving and healing power of Jesus Christ is alive today...and can change your life 

Like wrote about the miracles that Jesus did because he wanted to show people that Jesus' was the Messiah and able to perform miracles not by rituals or the power of the devil, but was able to perform these miracles by the power of God. He wanted to show the people what Jesus' had done for the people. 

Jesus did lots of miracles, which fall into four kinds of categories. They are: 

  • The healing miracles 
  • Raising of the dead miracles 
  • Nature miracles 
  • Exorcisms 

The healing miracles were the miracles that Jesus healed the sick people that he came in contact with. Examples are the story of the paralysed man where he was able to work after Jesus told him he was forgiven and could walk. In the healing miracles Jesus made the blind people see the lame walk and others with skin diseases to be healed.

In the raising of the dead miracles Jesus made people who were dead or thought dead to come back to life and health and Jesus also raised himself from the dead. This suggests he has the power over death. An example of this is when the parents of a child thought that their child was dead he went in and brought her back to life in full health.

The exorcisms miracles were about driving away demons from people, these people were thought of to be possessed by demons.

In the nature miracles this is when Jesus defies the laws of nature and does things that were thought of to be impossible before an example is when Jesus walked on water and fed 5000 people with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread. 

In Luke’s gospel the miracles that were normally written of in detail were the healing miracles of Jesus. In Luke’s gospel they are about thirteen miracles of healing in his gospel about Jesus. And only eight other miracles left which included the exorcisms, nature miracles and the raising of the dead miracles. This is mainly because of this profession, Luke was a doctor and being that he has to help and heal people from their illnesses. He wanted people to also believe in Jesus and God also to help them through their Illness. 

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The healing miracles tell us a lot about Jesus and his life. It tells u that Jesus came to earth to help and save us not only to perform miracles. It also tells us that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus also quoted words from Isaiah to them to suggest the Messiah had come., because he was able to perform miracles and no one else was able to except if they were aided with dark magical forces. Jesus had no connection with magic or sorcery no formulas or manipulation were used. The miracles teach us that Jesus has authority over evil. ...

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