Abortion can be performed in a number of ways such as salt poisoning or suction.
The Roman Catholic Church takes a traditional and absolute morality view on abortion. They believe that abortion is unacceptable in under any circumstances what so ever. “All people must realise only God can end life”, which is a quote taken from Act 17:26 that basically means, only God has the right to decide when you die because he is the one who created you. They also believe that all human life is sacred, including the baby in a womb.
Christians take a more liberal view on abortion. There are some Christians who believe the bible says nothing about abortions. In one sense this true. There is no direct teaching that says ‘thou shall not allow a woman to have an abortion’ but on the other hand every person interoperates the bible differently. Some Christians may refer to ‘thou shall not kill’ and say that it is as simple as that. In general Christianity is against abortion but in certain situations they believe it is necessary.
Psalm 139.v 13 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” In my opinion this is saying that from the moment of conception we are individual and unique and that god is a part of our creation from the very beginning.
This is also shown in Jeremiah 1.v5 when it says god has a plan for every person. Which can be interpreted that if an abortion takes place then this is destroying gods plan for us.
There is a heated debate over when life actually begins and when to class abortion as ‘murder’. Roman Catholics believe that life begins at conception, whereas the law in U.K. states that limbs are formed by 24weeks, therefore life has started.
In some countries such as Southern Ireland abortion is still illegal and mothers wanting the operation resort to illegal underground methods or have to come to the U.K. for an abortion. This is portrayed in the 1999 film Felicia's Journey showing how abortion is looked down upon in Southern Ireland and what lengths a young mother has to go through to obtain an abortion and the mental trauma inflicted by this experience.
Some people may argue that by taking the pill, a new life is being denied and so this is a form of abortion, however I believe this only an extreme view.