A1. What is meant by the word abortion?                 

A2. What Biblical and Church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?

This piece of coursework is about the controversial and complex issue of abortion, and the different views taken by the Roman Catholics, Christians and various other organisations.

What is abortion? Abortion is the unnatural termination of an unborn child/foetus before it has had the chance to live.

The law states that at 24weeks the foetus is developed and you are now viable for murder. However in certain cases allowances are made e.g. if the baby will die at birth and also cause the death of the mother.

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Abortion can be performed in a number of ways such as salt poisoning or suction.

The Roman Catholic Church takes a traditional and absolute morality view on abortion. They believe that abortion is unacceptable in under any circumstances what so ever. “All people must realise only God can end life”, which is a quote taken from Act 17:26 that basically means, only God has the right to decide when you die because he is the one who created you. They also believe that all human life is sacred, including the baby in a womb.

Christians take a more ...

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