The City at Night

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Joshua Martin

GCSE Descriptive Writing-

The City at Night

The click of my heels on the exhausted cobbled path echoed into the distance. This was my meeting point. I was stood on George Street, just south of the town centre, waiting for him to arrive. My eyes winced for a sign of him as increasingly light became sparse. Only an old street lamp could shield me now, its thin rays fighting to reach my eyes, though falling to penetrate the overwhelming darkness.

The proud lamp seemed to have stayed in a time which the rest of the city had forgotten. It was filled a deep blue, so pure that all dirt and grime seemed to reflect off it. The aroma of charm and grace which it breathed into the city made the street seem lit with a light the eyes were not advanced enough to detect. For the first time in a long while, I smiled at its comforting presence. I then remembered where I was. A city, in which decay had become a terminal disease, blackened concrete car parks and weathered flats were the main symptoms.

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As I stood at ease beside the lamppost, I could just make out the tinted white concrete which made up the buildings. From what I could see, the systematic street was simply two rows of attached, concrete buildings; the only sort of personality from the town came from an occasional lit window- nothing else. That slight yellow shade which came from artificial light brought back so many memories.

Not long before, Heller City had been drowned in bliss. People would spill into the city in the early hours to their place of work. The sun was glistening. ...

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