The History of Islam in the New World Before Columbus.

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February 6, 2003

The History of Islam in the New World Before Columbus


I will attempt to present information to you that is not only academic but backed up with clear evidence of the presence of Muslims in the Americas at large.  It is possible that many of you may not even have heard of this information.  My talk today will also deal with a topic that academic world has not given it its due attention unfortunately due to what I term “intellectual and academic prejudice” and therefore denying certain people their rightful place in history.  

I am certainly not the first person to suggest that there were Muslims in America before Columbus and more specifically African Muslims in America.  Nor were van Sertima or Barry Fell and others the first ones.  

In fact when one looks at probably some the earliest documented suggestions, it is clear from European perspective that Columbus, himself, was the first person to suggest it.  He says in his Journal of the Second Voyage, and this is quoted in many places, not just in his journal, that when he was in Haiti, which was then called Espanola, the native Americans came to him and told him that Black-skinned people had come from the south and southeast in boats, trading in gold-tipped metal spears.  And that “Columbus wanted to find out what the Indians of Espanola told him, that there had come from the south and southeast, Negro people who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call “guanin”.   So he sent sent samples to the king and queen for assay and which were found to have 32 parts — 18 of gold, 6 of silver, and 8 of copper.  

The results then were astonishing and the ratio or proportion of gold, silver and copper alloys were found to be identical (and the key word here is “identical”) with spears then being forged in African Guinea.

A further examination of the literature shows clearly that there are at least a dozen European explorers of the Columbus contact period who, within the first 50 years or so of the European encounter, saw black Africans among the Native Americans.  

For example Fredinand Columbus, one of the sons of Columbus, reported in a book on the life of Columbus, that his father told him that he had seen Blacks north of the present day Honduras.  So these together with many other compelling and convincing pieces of evidence clearly show that Africans were in the Americas well before Columbus got here.

The question arises:  How could Africans cross the Atlantic?  And what was the religious orientation of these Africans?

These are really major questions.  To study this questions further – one had to bring the evidence that points out to the fact that Africans had the maritime know how and other forms of oceanographic and geographical evidence. Therefore such a voyage is possible once we appreciate that early Africans had navigational tools and resources to undertake exploration.

Therefore one has to look at other indicators of what is going on by looking at linguistics, botany, oceanographic data, art, handcraft, demographics, etc.  

This sense of nostalgia of “let us make everything African” in my opinion belittles such important subjects as this one and it ends up becoming   polemicized.  Instead one needs to recognize that this subject needs to be put on a respectable basis so that experts in various fields can study it.  The evidence does exist in various fields, and once clear, then the record needs to be set straight and information at classroom level and schools alike needs to be corrected so that credit is given to those that it is due.

Islam spread to Africa:

The Prophet of Islam (SAW) in his last sermon charged the Swahaba take this message to the rest of humanity.  The Swahaba (RAA) understood that call and they left the Hijaz area, left the Arabian Peninsula and spread out in different directions.  The majority of them died outside of the Hijaz area.  So Islam within 100 years spread quickly to Africa, Asia and Europe.  It is recorded that Uqba (RAA), rode across North Africa in the spreading and defense of Islam and until he came to the Atlantic (looking at the Americas) and he said “If I knew that there are lands across you – I would spread the word of Allah - I would spread the message of Islam in that direction”  

So the religion revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) between 609 – 632 C.E. had been introduced to North Africa as early as 660 and by the eight century – it was introduced through contacts with merchants from the North. African them selves considered Islam as an African religion due to its permissibility of circumcision, proper slaughtering of animals, communal prayers, polygamy, etc..

One invaluable innovation that these Muslims brought which would later be important in exploratory voyages of African Muslims, was literacy.  The striving for literacy in Wes Africa was very strong that by the end of the 15 century – Kano, Nogeria had 3000 teachers, and 100 years later – the West African town of Timbuktu in Mali had 150 schools.  African Guinea (Futa Jallon) is mentioned by French historians as having schools and children able to read and write Arabic.  

And generally, the lingua franca of the Muslim world was Arabic and so the West African Muslim world had direct economic, religious, cultural, and intellectual ties to the Maghreb, Egypt, and the Middle East and was evolving to what would be called today as the global market of ideas, technology, and goods.  Diplomatic relations were established.  Students were sent to Egypt and other places to learn and West African rulers around the early 1200’s built a school in Cairo for his subject who was studying there.

They also traveled through North Africa freely to go and perform the pilgrimage and Mansa Musa of Mali who while on a pilgrimage to Makkah in 1324 spent so much Gold that he single handedly drove the gold market down.  He in fact established endowments and positions that were filled by intellectuals by architects, lawyers, and  teachers from as far as Muslim Spain.   So we know African Muslims through the greater network of the Muslim Empire had access to centers of learning and growth and spoke Arabic – the lingua franca of Islam.  

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Let me also mention that the mathematical advances ongoing in the Muslim world during the 7th, 8th and 9th centuries by people like Alkhawrizmi, the Al-Zarqali, known in the West as Arzachel, who was an astronomer per excellence and who invented a flat astrolabe which is known as Safihah. This is then is the stage that would fuel further learning and sharing of information throughout the Muslim world.

Islam spreads to Spain

At about 711 C.E. – Muslims entered the Iberian peninsula and entered into modern Portugal and Spain.  Evidence – is the name Portugal and Gibraltar.  Tariq landed on ...

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