The Meaning of Christmas for Christians

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The Meaning of Christmas for Christians

One of the largest Christian festivals in the world is Christmas. Christians and non-Christians alike celebrate it, but it is especially important to Christians for many reasons. At this time, Christians celebrate an important part of their religion, that Jesus was the Son of God and the Virgin Mary, 'I Jesus Christ, his only Son, Our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary...' Westhill.

The whole idea of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was the prophesised messiah, and his birth made the foundations of the Christian faith. His birth is very important because he was the Son of God and the saviour of the world. His mother was the Virgin Mary, so called because of the Immaculate Conception, in which Jesus was conceived without an earthly father. Jesus was the Light of the World because he brought love, peace and salvation to the world. He showed people the way to God through worship and kindness, and this is celebrated at Christmas time.

Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and that he was the Incarnation. This means that God came to earth as a human. 'Christians believe that by coming into the human situation God was revealing himself and his purpose for mankind,' Westhill.

At Christmas, people see their families and have fun. Jesus showed people that they should love their neighbour, and Christians make sure that they are kind to all people at Christmas. They also remember how Jesus taught people to help one another, and they think about the disadvantaged people in the world and pray for them. It is the season of goodwill and forgiveness for sins.

The most important way for Christians to celebrate at Christmas is through worshipping God. During Advent and on Christmas Day, Christians traditionally worship in various ways.

Advent, meaning "the Coming" is the name of the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day. Christians go to church and use certain items to prepare for Jesus' birthday. In church services, they hear parts of the Bible that are linked to Jesus' coming and the time leading up to his birth. The message of these stories is to watch and pray. Christians pray that God will forgive their sins from the year that is ending, 'Christians think back over the past year, and pray for God's forgiveness for all they have said or done wrong,' Skills in RS Book One by J. Fageant and SC Mercier. Christians also look forward to Jesus' Second Coming, when Christ will judge mankind, at this time as they prepare their hearts and minds. They also hear lessons in church that teach them about preparing for Jesus, and about His Second Coming.
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Christians often use candles during advent. They might use an Advent Wreath, which is a wreath of evergreen with four (or sometimes five) candles placed on it. Traditionally, one of these candles is pink and three are purple. Purple traditionally represents preparation, and pink represents joy. On each of the Sundays on Advent, a candle is lit, and if there is five, then the fifth is lit on Christmas Day. This wreath is symbolic of two things. The evergreen wreath represents God's promise of eternal life and the candle flames remember Jesus as the Light of the World. ...

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