Dominic Samuels 10D

R.E Coursework


The meaning of discipleship for the first disciple was of a lot more important then nowadays as it was taken more seriously, as ordinary people, fishermen, tax collectors and terrorist all became disciples.

       A disciple is a follower of Jesus they learn from Jesus and does his work.  The disciples needed faith in Jesus, courage to face persecution, personal strength to leave their life to follow Jesus and patient to take time to discover the truth.  As disciples the twelve travelled through a lot of persecution from the Romans and even from their own people, those who wouldn’t believe in Jesus and his divine power. So they faced persecution from a number of different people but Jesus’ teachings kept them sane, as he taught them how to pray, how to heal, to preach and how to lead a simple life.

Jesus called the first disciples; he began by calling four fishermen. Jesus went to Galilee and preached the Good News from God, he said, “The Kingdom of God is near, turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”  As Jesus walked along the shore Jesus saw the two brothers Simon and Andrew catching fish with a net, Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.”   At once they left their net and went with him, Jesus walked a little further and saw two other brothers, James and John, sons of Zebedee.  There were in their boat getting their nets ready.  As soon as Jesus saw them, he called them; they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went with Jesus.

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I think the reason why, the first four disciples where fishermen was because fishermen have all the characteristics it takes to make a very good disciple in the sense that fishermen are patient, they are courageous, they have strength and the only other thing their world needed would be faith, but faith in Jesus should come quite fast as Jesus show them his divine power over everything earthly as he heals the sick or calms a storm.

Another story, of when Jesus called a disciple, was when Jesus called Levi.  Jesus was back on the shores of Lake ...

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