The Woman at the treasury (Mark 41-44)
“Many rich men dropped in a lot of money; then a poor widow came along and dropped in two copper coins worth about a penny. He called his disciples together and said ‘I tell you this poor widow put more in the offering box than all the others. For the others put in what they had to spare of their riches; but she, poor as she is, put in all she has- she gave all she had to live on.”
What the woman gave up was a physical thing. The story shows that to be true disciples you need to give all that you have to God. It also demonstrates that discipleship costs. It is relevant for today disciples today as different people give up different things; some people are more likely to be giving up money or possessions and for others it may be standing apart from the crowd. The everyday kinds of cost a disciple or a Christian would have to make would be choice of job or choosing a partner with the same beliefs or sex before marriage, even not drinking or taking drugs. Others give up much more. One woman refused to renounce her faith, even when they killed her husband and children one by one. In doing these things they will receive much more in their present like and in heaven QUOTE
“Children can’t be disciples so they can’t be Christians either”.
I agree with this statement to a certain extent. It is believed that children cannot be disciples because to be a disciple you must give up all that you have and children cannot because they have nothing to give up. Another job of disciples is to take the gospel to the world and spread the good news but this would not be ideal for young children as in order to spread the word they must understand the gospel.
However, children can be considered to be disciples as a disciple is a pupil who learns about the type of life God wants them to lead and children can do this to and even follow the teachings. Although they cannot make a full commitment they can make some kind of devotion to God. Jesus believed that children were the way to God’s kingdom, and in the time of Jesus, children were to be seen and not heard.
“When Jesus noticed this, he was angry and said to his disciples, ‘let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you that whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it” (Mark 10:13-14)
To enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told the people to become like children.
“I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 18:3)
I think that children can be Christians even though they cannot be true disciples however can still be taught how the disciples lived their lives and how children should follow their examples.