What biblical and church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?
A ii) What biblical and church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion? There is nothing in the Bible that speaks directly about abortion. This is because during the time when the Bible was written, abortion wasn't an issue. However, although the Bible does not address abortion directly, It does talk about how life is special and that murder is wrong. There are many verses in the Bible that talk about how life is special. For example in Jeremiah 1:5, the Bible says 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations'. This shows that God has plans for each person, and they are special, even before the moment of conception. Also, Christians might argue that killing a baby before it is born, is preventing it from fulfilling God's plans. Another verse that talks about life been special is Psalm 139:13,15, this verse says 'You created every part of me, you put me together in my mothers womb... when I was growing there in secret, you knew I was there, you saw me before I was born'. This verse also shows that God knew everyone before they were born and everyone is unique and individual, even mentally or physically disabled people. In Corinthians 3:16-17 the Bible talks about the body being a temple of God and that God will destroy anybody who should destroy the temple of God. This
What biblical and Church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?
Abortion a) i. What is meant by the word 'abortion'? Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth. It is sometimes described as a termination of the foetus but some people call it murdering. Miscarriage is another term used for the ending of pregnancy before birth but this occurs naturally whereas abortion is deliberate. ii) What biblical and Church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion? The Baptist union describe abortion as the end of pregnancy before birth. Sometimes this happens naturally and then is called a miscarriage. But if the pregnancy is ended deliberately it is known as an abortion or termination. A number of Baptists condemn abortion; they would say that if it's not the taking of life then it is the taking of potential life. The Baptist Union does agree with abortion if the following reasons occur: . If it was agreed that the life of the mother would be in danger if she was to give birth 2. If it was known the baby would be severely handicapped when born 3. If the pregnancy was a result of rape 4. Or if the social conditions for the child would not give it an opportunity of a full human life The Salvation believes in the sanctity of life from the moment of fertilisation and that it is a gift from God to be protected. This means as soon as the egg is fertilised, it is as precious as a human life and needs to be protected, so an
"What Christians believe about life is up to them. They should not try to make others accept their position." Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.
AO3-"What Christians believe about life is up to them. They should not try to make others accept their position." Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view. Christian groups and organisations are entitled to have their own opinions on certain topics, and they have done on abortion and euthanasia. The Second Vatican teaches that; "Life must be protected from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes" (1963) this quote means the same as what the Didache said; that it is wrong to kill a child of any form. Not only killing a baby but killing any human is wrong, and when people notice that, that is when we will live in a better world. Throughout the Christian community abortion and euthanasia are seen as sins. It is the killing of a human being, which is going against one of the commandments (Exodus 13). Christians believe that life begins at conception, this is what they have been taught. "You knit me together in my mother's womb . . . my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place . . . your eyes saw my unformed body" (Psalm 139). This Psalm refers to 'you' meaning God. This quote is suggesting that God created humans the way he wanted them to be and no one has the right to change that. The Roman Catholics believe that abortion as well as euthanasia are wrong, and
What is meant by the word abortion?
What is meant by the word abortion? Abortion: the termination of a pregnancy by artificial or chemical means Abortion is ending the life of an unborn child or 'foetus' before it has had a chance to live. Abortion used to be illegal in Britain; in some places it still is for example Ireland. But in most western countries the laws have changed. Since 1973 the law in the USA has said that a woman has the right to have her pregnancy ended in this way. She does not have to give any reason just that she wants it done. In Britain abortion used to be a crime under the offences against the person acts of 1861, in 1967 the Liberal MP David steel introduced a Bill into the House of Commons, which became the abortion act of 1967. This act was amended in 1990 and applies to the whole of the United Kingdom except for Northern Ireland The Abortion Act The law in the United Kingdom states that abortion can be performed up to the end of the twenty forth week of pregnancy if two doctors agree that: * To continue the pregnancy there would be risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman * Or to continue pregnancy there would be risk of injury to the physical or mental health of any existing children of the pregnant woman However the law allows an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy if doctors agree that: * Continuing with the pregnancy would risk the life of
What is meant by the word abortion?
Re coursework Ai What is meant by the word abortion? The dictionary definition of abortion is "the induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently." Whereas the medical definition is the premature exit of the products of conception (the foetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus (miscarriages also count as an indirect abortion) In the UK it is illegal to have an abortion after twenty four weeks apart from life threatening circumstances. To society in general abortion is a taboo, many people choose to ignore the issues around abortion and dismiss it as an everyday procedure because of the amount of women having abortion. But what they don't take into consideration is the suffering women go through when having an abortion, Most women believe that their child is not alive in their womb until late on in the pregnancy but what they don't know is that a human being is perfectly formed by week 9 of the pregnancy and it looks like a small human. If women knew this before having abortion they would be horrified at the thought of an abortion, and in some cases women have become suicidal after finding out that they killed a perfectly formed human being. Aii In the fight against abortion Christians use many different biblical references and church teachings to try discourage women from having abortions. The main argument against
What is meant by the word abortion?
Abortion - Coursework Section A i) What is meant by the word abortion? An abortion is technically any death of a baby in the womb, and its expulsion from the mother's body (when this happens naturally this is sometimes called a miscarriage), however, what most people mean when they talk about "an abortion" is a procured abortion. This is when the life of the foetus is deliberately terminated and removed from the womb. Sometimes the language used to define abortion can be emotive and cause argument. Anti-abortionists (pro-life) will talk about killing babies to evoke guilt; while people who believe abortion should be legal (pro-choice) will say that the foetus is terminated. Abortion can be carried out in several ways: The abortion pill - RU 486 is an option up to 8 weeks past the beginning of the last menstrual period. It causes the end of the pregnancy. Depending on which pill is used, the woman takes an tablet orally or inserts a pessary into her vagina, causing the uterus to contract and expel the tissue. A follow-up appointment is typically required to make sure the abortion is complete. Some women prefer the abortion pill because the process feels more natural and private; they can decide where they are when they go through the experience. Side effects of the second medication include cramping, bleeding, diarrhoea, nausea, etc. An abortion carried out in this way
What is meant by the word abortion?
Abortion What is meant by the word abortion? The dictionary's definition of abortion is " Loss or removal of a foetus from the womb before it has developed enough to survive." There are two types of abortion spontaneous and Induced abortion. Spontaneous abortion is where a woman expels the contents of her uterus because her body recognises that there is something wrong with her pregnancy. There are many reasons for spontaneous abortion or miscarriages and some of the reasons are abnormal development of the embryo or placental tissue or both or even hormone deficiencies. Spontaneous abortion may also happen because of abnormalities with the mother such as infectious diseases or systemic diseases like diabetes. Spontaneous abortion may result in the expulsion of only part of the contents of the uterus not all, or the embryo may die and remain in the uterus for several weeks or sometimes months. When spontaneous abortion does occur the uterus has to be checked after so that no embryonic or placental tissue still remain and if there is it has to be removed in order to avoid irritation or infection of the uterus lining. However induced abortion is the deliberate termination and removal of the foetus from the uterus. There are several types of induced abortion:- Early medical abortion ~ This method is only available in the first nine weeks of pregnancy. During an early
What is meant by the word 'abortion'?
Religious Studies Coursework, Paper 2, Title 1: Abortion A. 1) What is meant by the word 'abortion'? An abortion is the premature expulsion of a foetus from the uterus resulting the ending, or termination of a pregnancy before the baby is capable of surviving outside the mother's womb. It may happen naturally in which case it is called a miscarriage. However, if it is induced by an unnatural interference, it is called an abortion, or a termination. A miscarriage is often the result of stress on an expectant mother because she usually wants to have her baby and a miscarriage is not of her choosing; an abortion is normally carried out with the agreement of the woman. A. 2) Explain what Christian Teaching might be used in a discussion about abortion. In a discussion about abortion one of the earliest Christian teachings could be used; the Old Testament Commandment 'thou shalt not kill'. There may be exceptions in terms of war or other unusual situations, but the basic premise is upheld that one should not take another persons life. Many Christians and Churches believe that an induced abortion is an evil, violating this commandment of Exodus 20: 13 as, the Roman Catholic Church, for example believe a foetus is a person from the moment of conception. The most important teachings to be used in such a discussion would be that on the sanctity of life. Christians believe that
What is meant by the word Abortion
a) What is meant by the word abortion? Abortion has many definitions. For the Dictionary definition, it means an operation to remove an unborn child from the womb before it has developed to survive. (Dictionary: oxford pocket school dictionary - abortion) in simple, abortion means the ending of a pregnancy. The procured abortion is deliberately abortion and the spontaneous abortion is an accident and the spontaneous abortion normally called a miscarriage. Now I am going to say about the law against abortion in UK and the Catholics Teachings of abortion. These teaching and the law are about the procured abortion. Before 1967 abortion was illegal in the U.K. The Abortion Act was introduced in the U.K. to put an end on this once and for all in 1967. It made abortion legal in these circumstances when it is perform before 28th week of pregnancy, but it changes to 24th week since 1990 because of advanced medical care. The new law is called the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act; it need two registered doctors had examined the woman and agreed that an abortion could be legally carried out; the abortion has been carried out before "the time of viability"; the continuation of the pregnancy would involve risk greater to the physical or mental health of the mother or any child within her family than if the pregnancy was terminated; a termination was necessary to prevent permanent
What is Abortion?
Abortion An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before birth, resulting in the death of the fetus. Some abortions occur naturally because the fetus does not develop normally or because the mother has an injury or disorder that stops her from carrying the pregnancy to term. This type of abortion is known as a miscarriage. Other abortions take place because the pregnancy is unwanted or if there is a risk to the woman's health. Induced abortions are performed using one of several methods. The safest way is depends on the age of the fetus. Abortions that take place in the first 12-13 weeks of the pregnancy are least likely to result in the death of the mother but the risk increases steadily with each week of pregnancy after 12 weeks. Abortions can also be carried out with the help of drugs. A common method is the morning-after pill, where a woman is given large doses of estrogen (a female hormone), which stops the development of a fetus at the earliest stages after conception. Another method uses two different drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, which have to be taken in the first seven weeks of conception. First the mifepristone is taken which blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to maintain the pregnancy. About 48 hours later the misoprostol is taken which causes contractions in the uterus (the organ in which the fetus develops). These uterine contractions expel