I chose to do my Religous Studies coursework on abortion
Contents Question Titles ~ Page 2 Statement of Intent ~ Page 3 Question A ~ Pages 4-6 Question B ~ Pages 7-8 Question C ~ Pages 9-10 Bibliography ~ Page 11 Statement of Intent I chose to do my Religous Studies coursework on abortion as I believe it is an issue that effects a lot of people, and I personally have my own views on the subject. We also have very thorough notes on this issue, and I had a lot of resources to find my information. Title 1 (a) (i) What is meant by the word 'abortion'? (ii) What biblical and Church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion? (b) Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action. (c) 'Abortion is never justified.' Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. (a) (i) What is meant by the word 'abortion'? Abortion is the "premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb", before it has reached the full term of 40 weeks. Sometimes this happens naturally, through no choice of the parents, and this is called a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. However, when people talk about abortion, they usually mean a "procured abortion" which is when the parents choose to have the foetus removed by an operation. This usually happens very early on in the pregnancy, the
Abortion should be legalised.
Debate I strongly believe that abortion should be legalized. Abortion should not be total outlawed but it should not be administered freely to anyone. But the pro life groups cannot ignore the woman's right to choose what happens inside her body, the right of the father to have a say but we can not ignore the right of the unborn baby. Other issues the affect this debate is the religious views and the time in which it is safe to have an abortion. The strongest issue in this debate is the right of a damaged fetus. In many European countries, abortion is legal but only to those who meet a strict set of guidelines. Although abortion is legal on the mainland of the U.K., it is not legal here in Northern Ireland. I believe that the women should have a say in this but a small say. I believe that so "social abortion" should not be aloud as it is the women own fault she got pregnant. To stop this so could have taken measures. I believe that a woman that is rape on impregnated against her wile should have the right to an abortion. This is because she did not have the choice to have this baby. People will also argue that an accidental pregnancy should be able to have an abortion because she did not plan to have this baby. However, these women do have a choice they must have known the risks of having sexual intercourse therefore it could have been prevented. While rape, victims do not
Abortion Should Never Be Justified. Discuss
Abortion should never be justified Do you agree etc. Many people, most prominently Roman Catholics would agree with never allowing abortion - their foremost arguments being that a life is a life, no matter what stage of development it has reached. If a fetus had the right to life, then surely abortionists would be subject to murder charges, because otherwise there is a fundamental inconsistency in both anti-abortionists views and the law. Judith Jarvis argues in her 1971 book, A Defense of Abortion, that a fetus is no more a human than an acorn is a tree, words which have come to the forefront of many pro-abortion arguments. While the fetus has the potential to grow into a tree, it is not actually a human yet. Many would argue that abortion is immoral, but despite that, it is still a woman's right, because they would be the ones to suffer physical and mental pain, as well as the consequences and responsibility of a child. Many would argue that the mothers life is also more important than the fetus' - the mother is already established in the world, has directly influenced the people and community around her, and has already established bonds with people who would be absolutely overcome with grief at her death, whereas the fetus is yet to influence the world, and would not cause anywhere near as much grief as the mother's death would. The mother already has
Abortion Should Not Be Made Illegal
Monica McQuilter Abortion Should Not Be Made Illegal For years Abortion has been a controversial subject all over the world. In some countries like Britain it is legal, but in others such as Ireland in which many people have very strong religious beliefs it is illegal. This topic has been the centre of many disputes due to varying views over the globe. Abortion is a hard decision for women to make and many are criticised for it and can be disowned from their families. Women should have the choice whether or not they decide to keep the baby when they do become pregnant, and it should be no one else's choice. If abortion ever did become illegal it would be discriminating women all over the country and forcing them into an unwanted pregnancy. In Ireland where abortion is illegal many young girls travel to Britain to go through with the abortion, but some go to a ship which is just out with the Irish waters were they go through with the procedure this situation would most likely happen in Britain if abortions were banned. There would also be the high risk of back street abortions, which were around many years ago when abortion was illegal in this country. Even though they were banned they still went on, in unhygienic ways not like the procedure that goes on today in a hospital. These abortions were done in peoples kitchens or back alleyways, and would be performed using
" God gives life and only God can take it away". Do you agree or disagree?
" God gives life and only God can take it away". Do you agree or disagree? I neither agree nor disagree with this statement, for I believe that it has relevance in only certain circumstances. I can understand why many Christians would think this statement as true as many biblical passages show this. I also think that it is a fundamental belief of Christianity to believe that, "God gave life". There are many passages in the Bible that say this, like in Genesis 1: 27, 28 and Genesis 2: 7: "So god created man in his own image, in the image of god he created him; male and female he created them. And God said to them, ""have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth."" And- "Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being" Some Christian churches do believe that only, God has the right to take life away. They may think that under very special circumstances it is allowed to take away life, to permit abortion. All Christians believe that life is sacred and every attempt should be made to try and protect it. However some Christian denominations (except The Roman Catholic Church) agree that within certain circumstances it is all right to abort (or terminate) the foetus. I agree with abortion being carried out, but only within certain, very serious circumstances. I
" No Christian should ever have an abortion."
Essay " No Christian should ever have an abortion." This statement is very controversial - people can believe it completely or can have doubts. It all depends on which branch of Christianity you are a part of. The Roman Catholic Church is the firmest believer in this statement. They do not consider abortion any different from infanticide - when a parent murders their child. They believe that abortion is a very serious crime, and that it should be punished by law. Because of this firm standing against abortion, it is not unusual for a catholic family to have lots of children. They believe that, no matter the circumstances, the pregnancy should be seen through. If you are a Roman Catholic, then you are supposed to believe that abortion should be punished by law. The United States Methodists are a little more lenient on the subject. They also consider abortion a very serious matter, but stop short on saying that it should be punished by law. They simply say that it is a very serious crime. They do not allow abortions, but they do not think it suitable to punish anybody who participates in any part of an abortion. By saying that abortion is a sin, they hope that the person concerned will feel guilty and will not go ahead with the abortion. The Church of England are undecided about this subject. No church could possibly say that abortion is a good thing. The Church of England
"Abortion is never justified." Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.
Rachel Third 10AT Religious Education Coursework "Abortion is never justified." Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. The statement, "Abortion is never justified," means that no circumstance or situation makes a procured, deliberate abortion morally acceptable. The abortion debate is a delicate issue, as each individual case is unique and there are many different circumstances to consider. I do not agree with the question statement, as I believe that in some extreme cases the termination of a pregnancy may be the lesser of two evils. For example, in the case of a rape many people would agree that an abortion would be justified. The Church of England state that under this circumstance an abortion may be morally legitimate, due to the need to have "compassion for the mother," Synod 1993. Christians believe that God calls them to "Love thy neighbour as thy self" as it says in Leviticus 19:18, and so by showing care and understanding towards a rape victim they are putting this commandment into action. The Baptist church agrees, recognising that in a fallen world the taking of the life of the foetus might be the "lesser of two evils." ProChoice groups, such as the "ProChoice Alliance", would say that abortion is a tragedy, but in some cases it is the least
"Antenatal care is essential for the total well being of the mother and the unborn child." Because it prepares the mother for birth and how to bring up her child, as well as ensuring everything goes right during the pregnancy.
"Antenatal care is essential for the total well being of the mother and the unborn child." Because it prepares the mother for birth and how to bring up her child, as well as ensuring everything goes right during the pregnancy. Antenatal care is provided by midwives, shared care and consultants. Various routine tests are carried out, and compared with the results from the original 'booking test', so that any high risk conditions either in the mother or the foetus are picked up on, and hopefully cured. Foetal growth and the mothers general health are also monitored to make sure everything is okay. There are standard check ups which every woman has to undergo during a pregnancy; first in the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. One of the standard checks is the examination of the uterus, the outside of the abdomen is felt to check the size, position and movement of the foetus. The distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus is also measured. The mothers urine is checked for protein (albumen) which may give early signs of pre-eclampsia or bladder and kidney infections. The blood pressue is checked, as high blood pressure can also indicate pre-eclampsia. The legs are checked for swelling or varicose veins. After 10 weeks, these are checked every month until week 28, then every two weeks until week 36, then every week until delivery. As well as these standard checkups,
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you came to birth, I consecrated."
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you came to birth, I consecrated." (Jer 1;5) I think that the Catholic Church's teaching that human is sacred, has a great impact on its teaching on abortion. The church teaches that abortion is totally and utterly, immoral,wrong, and evil. The church teaches that human life begins at conception, so any termination from after the moment of conception is wrong. "Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception"(Catechism 2270). The Catholic Church teaches that human life begins in the womb at the moment of conception. The church thinks that the life of each human (even at embryonic and foetal stage) is precious. "You shall not procure [an] abortion, nor destroy a new-born child" (Didache 2:1-2). The Didache from AD70 reported this on the subject of abortion. It clearly outlaws abortion, and is more evidence that the Catholic Church's teaching that human life is sacred radically affects its teaching on abortion. "For it was you who created my being, knit me together in my mother's womb, I thank you for the wonder of my being, for the wonders of all creation"(Psalm 139). When each new human is created in the womb, the church sees that the mother and those around it, have a moral obligation to protect the baby, so that it has the most fundamental human right, "...the right to life"(UN
"Death is God's business and people should not interfere"
Religion And Medical Ethics Section C "Death is God's business and people should not interfere" I agree with this statement because death and life is in God's hands and no one can interfere. Death is the end of a person's or animal's life. The basic premise of all Qur'anic teaching concerning death is Allah's omnipotence: He creates human beings, determines their life span, and causes them to die. The Qur'an states: "Some will die early, while others are made to live to a miserable old age, when all that they once knew they shall know no more (Surah 22:5). ABORTION Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the infant can survive outside the uterus. The age at which a fetus is considered viable has not been completely agreed upon. Many obstetricians use either 21 weeks or 400-500 grams (0.9-1.1 pounds) birth weight as the baseline between abortion and premature delivery, because few infants have survived when they weighed less than 500 grams at birth or when the pregnancy was of less than 21 weeks' duration. Generally speaking, the fetus has almost no chance of living if it weighs less than 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) and if the pregnancy is of less than 24 weeks' duration. In one effort to resolve the matter, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has defined abortion as the expulsion or extraction of all (complete) or any part (incomplete) of the