Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action?

section b Explain how Christians might put their Ruby Bains beliefs about abortion into action? Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action by turning to sanctity of life, when Christians say this, they mean that they believe there is something special and holy about life and try to follow the meaning of sanctity of life by doing good to themselves and good to others. This means that Christians try to treat all kinds of human life with respect. One of the most important things that Christians are supposed to remember when they are making moral decisions is their belief that God is love, and that they should love on another like God has loved us. When Christians are making moral decisions, they might think about how they would feel if they were the other person, and then try to imagine how they would feel like to be treated. The Christian conecpt of love is known as 'agape', which is a Greek word for 'unconditional love', which means loving someone else regardless of what they look like, and regardless of how they behave. It basically means being concerned about the other person without thinking you like them or they like you. Many Chrisitians follow the example of Jesus and try to put the principle of agape into practice. Christians put their beliefs about abortion by helping woman who are thinking about having an abortion by

  • Word count: 741
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action.

Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action. Most Christians are against abortion under most circumstances because they believe that the foetus is a living being and should be treated equally with everyone else and it has right to live too. By killing it they would see it as committing murder, disagree with it in this way because in the Ten Commandments it says "thou shall not murder" Killing the foetus is disobeying this commandment which is not allowed in the Christian faith. Also god made us as curators of the earth above everything else and we should protect it and everything else on it. However others would accept abortion under certain circumstances because if there was a valid reason for aborting the foetus then the C of E and other pacifist churches would accept it for example if the foetus is seriously handicapped and it wouldn't be fair to bring it into the world, the mother would not be able to manage it or there was conception during forced intercourse (rape). There is a group of Christians called living springs who are situated above a café and Christian book shop in Stourbridge. This Christian group help by trying to persuade pregnant woman who want an abortion not to by telling them that there are other solutions to abortion. But they don't force them not to have an abortion because they believe that everybody has a free will

  • Word count: 989
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Describe the teaching about abortion and the sanctity of life, which is found in the bible.

Abortion coursework . Describe the teaching about abortion and the sanctity of life, which is found in the bible. Definition of abortion: ' A premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. An operation to cause this.' Christianity Joe Jenkins 995 Definition of euthanasia: ' A gentle and easy death; the bringing about of this especially in cases of incurable and painful disease.' Christianity Joe Jenkins 995 In the Bible we are given many teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life. The main teaching, that all the others are related to, is found in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20): 'Thou shalt not kill' If it is believed that life begins at conception, then abortion is murder, and is forbidden by the law of G-d. If, however, it is felt that life begins at another point in time, after conception (for example when the unborn baby first moves); then the foetus is not given the same rights as a human being and abortion is not considered as morally incorrect. Another teaching found in the Bible (Ecclesiation 8:8), is similar to the one above. ' No one has power over the day of his death' This shows us how sacred life is and how only G-d can decide when it is time for somebody to die. This may be related to abortion, as, by carrying out this act, a person's life will be taken with no help from G-d. It may be said that if G-d feels that an unborn child

  • Word count: 1994
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Describe the treatments available to help infertile couples to have children

Describe the treatments available to help infertile couples to have children Infertility is the inability of achieving conception even after persistent attempts. It is mainly the western worlds that is recently suffering from the problem of infertility with as many as ten percent of people incapable or have problems in having children. People who are unable of producing an offspring naturally are usually described as infertile although it is actually very rare to be infertile because it involves/means having a total absence of reproductive function. The main cause of infertility is the impairment of one or more parts of the reproductive system hence medical help has to be considered. Most people seeking treatment have a varying degree of what is known as "subfertility". Some couples only need advice or reassurance, while some may need drug therapy or surgery and others will need assisted conception techniques. The effect of infertility is equal on men and women. It can be caused due to a range of reasons. Infertility in men is mainly caused because of low sperm count/poor sperm quality (recent statistics show that 1 in 10 men have a poor or no sperm count resulting in infertility), if they had vasectomy or has a faulty gene within the sperm. Infertility in women is mainly due to endometriosis, fallopian tubal disease e.g. blocked tubes or complete hysterectomy. Also

  • Word count: 979
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Designer Babies

Designer Babies Genetic engineering is when gene structures are changed using scientific skills. This can also be used to cure some illnesses that are genetic, for example cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and sickle-cell anaemia, which affect a large number of people. Genetic engineering may be able to prevent or cure these conditions . Although many people may think that this is a good idea, some religious people may disagree as it could be considered as 'playing God'. Genetic engineering can alter human characteristics, such as making babies healthier and stronger than they would be if they were conceived naturally. This can be seen as unfair to other children who have not been genetically modified and could give them an unfair advantage. Even though the embryos have been genetically modified, they still belong to the parents, they have just taken the best qualities from them both. But is this placing too much power in the hands of the scientists? Catholics believe that it is wrong to create a perfect world " who are we to straighten what god has made crooked" God has created genetic makeup so they think that we have no right to change that. Catholics think that life begins at conception and by creating the perfect baby, it destroys embryos and this is seen as being no different from abortion. In the catholic religion, the main purpose of marriage is to have

  • Word count: 711
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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“God gives life and only God can take it away.” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.

"God gives life and only God can take it away." Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view. In answer to this question I must consider other peoples points of view and suggest whether in my opinion they are right or wrong. Abortion and Euthanasia bring up great debates about this issue. Some people will suggest that God has created the world and humans have been made in the image of God. Therefore it is our duty to not interfere with the life that God has created. The Roman Catholic Church strongly opposes abortion under any circumstance and so they would agree with the above statement. They believe all life is sacred and given by God. At just 12 weeks old the foetus is an individual and total human that has been receiving brain waves for four weeks. The foetus is a human being indistinguishable from any of us. The Durham declaration to the United Methodist Church of the USA published in "The church and abortion" said: "The unborn child is created in the image of God and is one for whom the Son of God died. This child is Gods child. This child is part of Gods world. So the life of this child is not ours to take. Therefore it is sin to take this Childs life for reasons whether of birth control, gender selection, convenience, or avoidance of embarrassment" Some people who do not believe in

  • Word count: 875
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Decisions on Life and Living

Decisions on Life and Living AO1 The Christian Church teaches that each life is created by God and that human life is the supreme gift of the Creator. Human life, according to Christian teaching, is not given unreservedly by God, but is given to man under the condition that he will be responsible for its' preservation and protection. Human existence is a chance to build a relationship with God and is not to be discarded thoughtlessly as Jesus sacrificed himself to heal the broken relationship between God and mankind. The testimony that God respects life above all else is contained in the words of the Gospel: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16) Christian teaching questions when life begins and when it ends and has caused differences in opinions between the Christian denominations. Although death can be defined and demonstrated by advances in medical technology, an exact moment in which a life begins still rests on personal opinion. Consequently, a decision must be cast on when each Christian should show responsibility for this life. The Bible is not silent on the issue of euthanasia and abortion in which the foundation for defending the value of human life is clear. The Apostle Paul teaches that the cessation of the life of any person is considered to

  • Word count: 1987
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Autobiographical writing.

Kelly Price Autobiographical writing Two years ago, mid-November some life changing news came my way. It was an ordinary day and I was watching television with my mum. " I've got a secret but you can't tell anyone" my mum said out of the middle of nowhere. I was puzzled because no one ever kept secrets from each other in my family, we had had always been close and shared any kind of news. My mum told me that my sister, Rebecca, was pregnant. I was so shocked; billions of questions were running through my mind. How many months was it until the baby would be born? Where would it go? Would Rebecca leave college? Part of me was worried but the other part of me was so excited; I had never been round babies or young children as I was the youngest in my family. I would be an aunty, it was the best secret I had ever heard and I could not wait until the baby was born. Nine months passed very quickly and they were full of preparation for arrival of the baby. I really under-estimated how many things one baby could need! It was one week after the baby's due date and my sister was still very uncomfortably pregnant. It was the 18th June, I came home from school, and my mum told me that Rebecca had to go into hospital that night because the baby was unusually overdue, she might even have to have an emergency caesarean! My sister went to hospital but

  • Word count: 623
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Discursive Essay on Abortion

Amna Riaz Williamwood High School 022833790 Discursive Essay On Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and she does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she may choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a controversial issue, some people say it is ok to abort a baby but others are strongly against it. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their background and their up-bringing. People who are for abortion may have had one and therefore think it is ok or they may know someone who has had one. In this essay I will discuss the arguments for and the arguments against abortion. An argument in favour of abortion is if the woman was raped. If a woman was raped then she would often not want to keep a rapist's child. Also she would probably be scarred for life, even without the baby. If she had the baby she would be reminded of the rape every single day of her life. When the baby gets older he/she would want to know who his/her dad was when he/she saw that every other child at school had a dad and he/she never, unless the mother has another partner. Secondly, the mother should be able to terminate the pregnancy if she is told that her unborn baby is going to have a disability. If your baby

  • Word count: 798
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Discussion on Abortion.

Abortion Somewhere amidst the abortion debates of the last quarter century, the real issue has been lost. The focus has become too religious for a country that has separated church and state; therefore, I won't argue the religious rights and wrongs of abortion. No answers can be derived until we focus on what the law and our citizens do value, because this is how laws are changed. American laws hold sacred the value of human rights, but when do a woman's end, and a child's begin? The saving grace and ultimately the great flaw of the Constitution is it's variability. Our founding fathers created it as an open door to allow future generations to correct their mistakes but, also to make them, and to contradict themselves ethically and morally on the whim of a generation. As a nation, we have always attempted a degree of morality in our laws, a shared belief in what is right and wrong that is forced by the law. We assert that to alarm another intentionally or otherwise is wrong and deserving of punishment. Our laws condemn murderers, shun drunk drivers and charge involuntary manslaughter in the case that he/she inadvertently kills another in an accident. There are severe repercussions for rapists and assault of another person. We also often assert that to harm oneself intentionally or in a way that could have been prevented by our own precaution is wrong. These

  • Word count: 634
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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