Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion.
ABORTION A. (i) What is meant by the word 'abortion'? Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the fetes is capable of independent life. Abortion is not asked for after 24 weeks of pregnancy. This can occur naturally or it can be procured by surgical procedure. Definition from the dictionary states that abortion is: The termination of a pregnancy by artificial or chemical means. (ii) Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion. To a Christian, the Bible is no ordinary book. It is a holy book, sacred and inspired. 'All scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking the error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living'. (2 Timothy 3:16, Revised Standard Version). Christians believe that the Bible is in some way the word of God, which can teach, inspire and guide them in their everyday lives. Christian opposition to abortion on demand is based on the Bible's clear teaching that the baby in the womb is a human being created in God's image. Human life has unique value because human beings, though fallen, are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). The psalmist affirms that every life, 'mistake' or not, is God's work. 'It is He that made us not we ourselves, says Psalm 100:3 ' Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?' adds Job
Explain why Religious people may have problems with transplant surgery?
Explain why Religious people may have problems with transplant surgery? Transplant surgery is the transfer of an organ or a tissue from one person, where it is not needed, to another person or from one site to another within the same body, where it is required. People may need this as a result of loss of an organ, a missing organ or because of a malfunctioning or diseased organ. For example, if an alcoholic suffered from liver disease and was in a critical situation, liver transplant would be considered from a dead person (as living people need their liver to survive). His diseased liver would then be removed from his body and a healthy liver would be transplanted into him. Siamese twins may also require transplant surgery, as they may both share the same liver or heart. Siamese twins also cause much debate between religious people, for example Catholic Christians are against Siamese separation bans. A wide range of organs and tissue can be transplanted, such as kidneys, eye corneas, livers, bone marrow and even hearts. It is usually organs that are transplanted; however these organs must be compatible and are sometimes rejected by the body, drugs can then be used to treat this. The issue of transplantation causes a range of conflict, although it is an effective way of giving life to the hopeless. The conflict occurs within religious branches of the same religion, as there
An abortion is an operation that is performed in a hospital or an abortion clinic. The operation is to abort the unborn child (fetus) from its mother's womb; this usually is done when the child is 6-12 weeks old. An abortion usually happens for a number of reasons, here are some. The relationship with the partner, personal issues, financial worries, unwanted child because of unprotected sex, rape handicapped child and rush to mother hood. An abortion can be performed either surgically or medically, Some abortions are not intended by the mother. A miscarriage is when a mother loses her baby through no fault of own, this is also carried out the same way as an abortion. There are many different types of abortion which include Vacuum Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Mifepristone or RU-486 and Methotrexate D&E. Even though Catholics are against abortion all together, not all types of abortion are deliberate. For example when a fetus dies inside its mother if it were to be left inside the mother it would kill her. So Catholics agree that if the fetus is already dead it should be aborted this is call a miscarriage. The emotional affect on a woman after a deliberate abortion or miscarriage is very upsetting, depressing and sometime regretful. My mum had a miscarriage 13 years ago even though it wasn't a deliberate abortion the feeling could be the same for a mother who regretted
Abortion What is meant by the word abortion? The definition from the dictionary states that abortion is: The termination of a pregnancy by artificial or chemical means. Since procured abortions were legal over 4.5 million pregnancies have been deliberately ended. The Abortion act in 1967 made abortion legal but before 1967 abortion was illegal in the U.K. and about 200 000 abortions were performed illegally. A legal abortion is made if: * There are two doctors that agree and the procedure is carried out before the baby could survive outside the womb (which is 24 weeks to date). * Continuing the pregnancy would put the mother or other family members at any great risk. * It can avoid permanent injury, physical or physiological damage to the mother. It is not legal in Northern Ireland apart from in exceptional circumstances. There are different reasons for having a procured abortion; * Too young Too many children * Too old Inherit disorder/illness * Too poor Baby is disabled or handicapped * Baby is not wanted Mother's life is at risk * Mother is mentally unstable Lone parent * Inconvenience Rape Year 2000: Abortions on residents in England and Wales, by age group: AGE Number of abortions Percentage of total 5 and under 3,748 2% 6- 19 33,218 9% 20- 24 47,099 27% 25- 29 37,852 22% 30- 34 28,735 6% 35- 39
Abortion - a religious overview.
GCSE Religious Studies St Bede's Blackburn 47119 Liam McManus Date completed: Abortion The dictionary describes abortion as the "Premature expulsion of a foetus from the womb." This basically means the removal of a foetus from a woman's womb before it has had a chance of a unique life. There are two types of abortion. These are natural and procured abortion. Natural abortion is a miscarriage and procured abortion is a deliberate abortion. Before 1967, abortion was illegal and not openly discussed. In these times if a woman had money they would be taken to an illegal clinic for an illegal operation. Others would think she had a miscarriage. If they had no money they would try to abort the foetus themselves using household items such as salts and alcohol in a boiling hot bath. Despite bitter opposition the abortion act was passed in 1967. The laws are that, this country allows abortions if certain things can be shown or proved such as if a girl wanted an abortion because she was too young or if she got raped. An abortion can happen if only two doctors agree and if the woman is less than 24 weeks pregnant. The Roman Catholic Church believes abortions should never take place, "Never, under any pretext, may an abortion be resorted to...." (Declaration on procured abortion 1974 paragraph 12) The Church believes this because life is sacred "Human life is
Abortion and Euthanasia
[email protected] ya like the essay! I got a B Religion GCSE Coursework Abortion and Euthanasia Some Christians believe that human life is sacred. Explain how this belief influences their attitude to abortion and euthanasia, showing that you understand other points of view. 1400 words. The church teaches that all life is sacred. Therefore, abortion and euthanasia are against church teachings as both involve taking away a person's life. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth, either by natural means (miscarriage) or by an operation to cause it (procured or induced abortion). The term 'abortion' is usually understood to refer to procured abortion. Some abortions are performed within the National Health Service; the others are paid for privately. The abortion act of 1967 allowed abortions up to the 28th week of pregnancy with the consent of two registered doctors in two instances. * If the mother would be physically or psychologically damaged by going through with the pregnancy. * If there was a risk of a handicapped child being born. The law was devised at a time when it was considered that a child could survive outside the womb at 28 weeks of pregnancy. There have been a number of scientific advances since and nowadays, babies as young as 21 weeks can survive with special care. Most people feel abortion should not be allowed because life
Abortion and Euthanasia.
Abortion and Euthanasia In this coursework, I will be looking at the abortion and euthanasia. I will state what the two terms means and also look at different views for and against abortion and euthanasia. Also, I will be giving my own opinion on the issues of abortion and euthanasia. In order to understand the different views on abortion and euthanasia, it is important to understand exactly what the two words mean. In the oxford English dictionary, abortion is defined as: "Premature expulsion of a foetus from the womb either done by operation or by medication" The term 'Euthanasia' comes from the Greek word for 'easy death'. It is one of the most arguable issues today. Formally called 'mercy killing', euthanasia is an act of purposely making or helping someone die, instead of allowing for a natural death. It basically means killing in the name of compassion. In the past abortion was carried out illegally, nowadays it is becoming easier to have an abortion. The reasons of the change comes after the abortion act of 1967 (revised 1990) this allows women to legally have an abortion only if some circumstances are met, such as: * If the woman's life is at risk if the pregnancy continues. * The woman got pregnant through rape. * The woman is underage, and would not be able to take care of a child. * The woman got pregnant by mistake. When having an abortion, the three
Abortion and Euthanasia.
Alex Oliver 11K Abortion and Euthanasia. . Abortion and euthanasia are probably the most controversial topics faced in the world today. There are many different views about these issues. Some people very strong believe in these, whereas some are completely against! This is often because of their religious beliefs. Human life is "sacred". It was a gift from God which has been abused by many people whether it being abortion or euthanasia. They both destroy life. Christian's believe in the 'sanctity of life' and that life should not be wasted as it was God's will to live life and to make the Kingdom of God appear on earth. Women are meant to be caring people who look after young children. So an abortion looks unfeminine, as they are killing a little child. But there are many different opinions about this. In this coursework, I will be looking at the different views of abortion and euthanasia and will end it with my own opinion of what I feel about it. Abortion is "Premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb either done by operation or by medication". The killing of the baby in the womb. Mostly all of Christianity are against the concept of abortion. There are quite a few people who do believe in abortion who are also Christian, but it causes quite some trouble with pro-life believers who are Christian as well. If we look at what different groups think, we will find out
Abortion and Euthanasia.
Abortion and Euthanasia "Do you know that you are God's temple and that God's spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him." (Corinthians 3:16-17) This quotation fully outlines the importance of life. It shows that all life is sacred and only God himself has the right to take it away. The significance of this quotation is that if anyone destroys a life, God will destroy him. Through abortion and euthanasia man destroys a life, indicating abortion and euthanasia are wrong. I am now going to discuss both issues of abortion and euthanasia. Both abortion and euthanasia have sparked much heated debate. I am now going to go on and study the arguments that both agree and disagree with abortion and euthanasia. Abortion is the direct and intentional killing of an unborn child. It is the deliberate termination of pregnancy. An abortion is the premature expulsion from the body of an embryo or foetus. The belief of Roman Catholic is that abortion is the murder of an innocent child, "from the first moment of his existence, a human life must be recognised as having a rights of a person (Catechism 2270-2273). Roman Catholics believe in the statement "God gave life, only he can take it", this means that God graciously gave life to that person who has a duty to play an important part in society and that no one, with the exception of God has the right to
Abortion and Euthanasia
RE coursework- Abortion and Euthanasia AO1 Christians hold a strong responsibility for those at the beginning and end of their lives there for abortion and euthanasia are very important issues. Roman Catholics believe that abortion which is killing an unborn child is wrong because they believe life starts at conception so someone who commits abortion is killing a life. Christians also believe in the parable of 'sheep's and goats' which means if someone kills a person or hurts a person it is killing Jesus and if life is harmed it is saving Jesus meaning Jesus is in everyone of us even in the unborn child and a person at the end of their life so committing abortion and euthanasia is against the Christian religion. In Mathew 4:23 "Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching....and healing every disease and sickness among the people" therefore we should help the unborn child and people suffering just like he did not resorting to abortion or euthanasia but to help the unborn child and look after the person at the end of their lives. Christian also believe "We were made in gods image" so everyone's life should be preserved even the unborn child Some might believe that life at the beginning and the end of life are not as important as life in the middle, but all life is important according to most Christians and also in mark 10:13 the parable tells of people bringing their little