What is Abortion?
Abortion Introduction: This piece of coursework is about the issue of abortion, the Catholic Churchs view point to abortion, the pro and anti abortionists and the implications it has on modern day society and individuals. The Catholic churchs view is that all human life is sacred and that includes the baby in the womb. What is Abortion? Abortion is ending the life of an unborn child or æFoetusÆ before it has had the chance to live. Abortion was legalised in Britain in 1967 (The Abortion Act). In 1966, with the encouragement of ALRA, Liberal MP David Steel decided to sponsor an abortion law reform bill. Its passage through parliament was far from smooth. Religious groups, government ministers, doctors and medical organisations all had strong views on the subject and there were several influential bodies which opposed the bill. The bill was modified to reflect some objections but MPs could not ignore clear public support for legal abortion. On 27th October 1967 the Abortion Act became law in England, Scotland and Wales and took effect six months later on 27th April 1968. Pro-Abortion Some people are pro-abortion for a number of reasons. A lot of people think that abortion is ok in certain circumstances e.g when the women was raped or on the grounds of incest, but these types of circumstances only account for a very small percent of all abortions which are carried out. Some
What is Abortion?
Abortion Part A Abortion is the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. You need to perform an operation to perform this. Abortion is now legal if two doctors agree on either of the following: * That continuing the pregnancy means that there is a risk to the woman's health. Or that of her existing children greater than if the pregnancy was terminated, allowing up to 24 weeks of pregnancy * Or that continuing the pregnancy would involve severe damage to the woman's mental or physical health greater than if the pregnancy was terminated. Or there is a strong risk of severe handicap in the expected child. Or the woman's life is at risk if the pregnancy continues without time limit. The abortion debate has been going on for many years. At the heart of the matter is the key question "when does life begin?" Although all Christians believe that life is a sacred gift from God, a disagreement exists between the churches over whether abortion is morally acceptable. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life begins at the moment of conception and therefore Morally Unacceptable. Although Anglicans too believe in the sanctity of life, Anglicans may argue that under exceptional circumstances abortion may be necessary and therefore justifiable. The bible does not make any reference to abortion. Christians have to decide when life begins before deciding whether abortion breaks
What is Abortion?
What is Abortion? One of the most common arguments in the world, which I think is easy to solve to just not let it happen. The killing of a life, who knows that baby may have became the new David Beckham, William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein or Mother Theresa. If you followed the Catholic religion you would be breaking one of the ten commandments, your depriving the right of human life. Although, teenage pregnancies are on the rise, teenagers should have more support from the Government and may be shouldn't have been put in that situation, anyway if they went so silly in doing it to themselves. I think someone should put a stop to people having abortion unless there were forcefully made pregnant by e.g rape it's the end to a new sprung creation of God. Facts on Abortion! in 3 women have an abortion. 500 abortions a day. 2 hundred thousand a year. 650 women a year have late abortions. Christians believe abortion is wrong. They say God gives life and no one else can take it away. Parenting is difficult and lots of responsibility is needed. God will forgive Christians if they do abort an unhealthy baby. Christians believe abortion of a healthy mother and baby is murder. Abortion is breaking one of the ten commandments. Sikhs believe it is wrong except if the mother is in danger or the baby is disabled. Sikhs believe life begins at contraception. For and against!
What is Abortion?
Abortion What is Abortion? Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before birth, by either natural (miscarriage) or artificial means, (an operation where abortion is induced). When the ovum becomes fertilised by the sperm, an individual, genetically unique from anyone else comes into existence. The baby's fingerprints, sex, hair colour and eye colour are all decided when fertilisation occurs. The third week after conception, the baby's heart begins to beat regularly and the nervous system is now in order. By the seventh week of pregnancy, muscle reflexes are present, the skeleton is complete as are fingers toes and ears. Milk teeth are present within the gums and brain waves can be recorded. The eighth week after conception major organs such as the liver, stomach, kidney's, heart and brain, are all functioning. By the sixteenth week of the pregnancy vocal chords and sexual organs have formed, the baby at this point half it's birth length. After eighteen weeks the baby is able to move it's legs and arms. It somersaults and kicks in the womb is able to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid, and grasps with its hands. Twenty weeks into the pregnancy hair is appearing: eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. The baby can respond to stimuli that may occur from outside of the womb and weighs approximately 500 grams. All that's left for the baby to do now is grow to the point where it can survive
What is meant by abortion?
Question a.i what is meant by abortion Introduction Abortion is a controversial, complex and emotional issue, it is also a global issue, law, culture and religion are a few factors that affect our views, and opinions and they influence our understanding of the topic. Opinions on abortion vary between different groups of people. Some agree with it some don't and some only agree with it in certain cases e.g. rape or teenage pregnancies. In this coursework there will be abortion methods, risks and complications, what the term "abortion" actually means, biblical and church teachings on abortion and also reasons for and against abortion. What is meant by the term abortion? Abortion can be described as: The premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb The removal of the foetus before it is able to survive independently The destruction of a new human life A termination is also used as a term for abortion The death of a baby in the womb-an operation to causes this to happen When a foetus or growing child is deliberately killed What is Medical Abortion? A medical abortion is one that is brought about by taking medications that will end a pregnancy. The alternative is surgical abortion, which ends a pregnancy by emptying the uterus (or womb) with special instruments. Either of two medications, mifepristone or methotrexate, can be used for medical abortion. Each of
Why Do Christians Oppose Abortion.
Why Do Christians Oppose Abortion Abortion, the termination of an unborn child from a pregnant mother, is a topic that which has raged on for hundreds of years. Two sides to the idea exist. Pro-choice groups are for abortion, or the choice of the mother. Pro-life groups are against abortion or for the life of the baby. Yet why is it that pro-life groups are mainly made up of practising Christians? Many Christians oppose abortion because they few unborn babies as humans and therefore view abortion as murder. Strong pro-life activists may believe that life starts as early as conception and views contraceptives such as the pill as abortion. Less strong pro-life people may view the start of life later. Despite this variation in perception, all pro-life activists will view the start of life as pre birth, and that abortion after their perception of the start of life as murder of the child. Some pro-life supporters would not always view abortion as wrong and certain groups promote abortion providing it is only used when it threatens the life of the mother. There are hundreds of beliefs about when and when not abortion should be used among liberal pro-life supporters but the basic idea is that abortion should only happen if it would seriously affect the mother to have a child. Other Christians are for abortion because they believe in the right of the mother. They believe that god
Why do many Christians Oppose abortion?
Why do many Christians Oppose abortion?-Prerana Bhounsle 10J Many people would say that abortion is the termination of the life of a fetus. However many people argue that abortion is more than that. These people say that abortion is, in fact the killing of a life; of a human; of a baby. Different countries have different laws for abortion. Before 1968 all abortions were illegal in Britain. But hundreds and thousands of woman who couldn't take the burden of a child, under-went 'backstreet abortion'; In other words, illegal abortions. These abortions were performed by unqualified people and the woman often risked serious side effects or a huge possibility of death. But these women went to any length to kill the child growing inside them. Fortunately, since 1968, the abortion act allowed women to have an abortion. However there are a few conditions: * That the abortion is done by qualified people and is carried out on registered premises * The baby is not viable * The woman must have the permission of two doctors to agree that abortion should be allowed in this case The doctors have to decide whether or not the health or the mental health of the mother is at risk, whether the continuation of the pregnancy will affect the pregnant mother's family. Lastly, if there is a chance that the child will be born handicapped. But perhaps the most discussed question in this issue