How does Peter Medak gain the viewers sympathy for Derek Bentley in the film 'Let Him Have It!'?
How does Peter Medak gain the viewers sympathy for Derek Bentley in the film 'Let Him Have It!'? Peter Medak chose to make a film about the case of Derek Bentley because he wanted to get across his views on capital punishment, as he thought it was wrong and wanted other people to see why he felt this way. His film is based on a case that really happened in the 1950's where Derek Bentley was accused of murder and hung. He chose to use this case as he felt that Derek was wrongly accused and did not deserve the sentence given to him. Derek Bentley was a boy with a low I.Q who became mixed up with the wrong crowd and got into trouble with the law in his youth. He was then sent away to Borstal, a place where young offenders were sent. As he became older he did not leave the house and lived with his parents who he was very close to. Derek began to venture out though after his sister encouraged him to go buy a record. This is when he got involved with Christopher Craig's "gang". As Derek was easily led he did exactly what they said and became involved with all of their crimes. The story is so controversial since there are many people with different views and opinions on the death penalty and whether it was right or wrong for Derek to be hung. Also it is very biased as Peter Medak is showing the whole story from his point of view and is trying to persuade others into thinking the
Life after death.
Life after death Christianity has been around for two thousand years. Christianity is also a monotheistic religion in which they believe in One God. However they believe God is three gods combined into one God. Christians believe the three Gods are God (the father), Jesus (the son) and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is believed to be the Son of God and the messenger of God, as Muhammed is believed to be the messenger of god (Allah). Christians believe that the father of Jesus was God as he was born from the Virgin Mary. She was the mother of Jesus Christ. Christians also have a holy book, which is called the bible. Christians accept this book to be the perfect word of God. Christianity in fact is the world's major religion and has millions of followers all around the world. First of all I would like to talk about Christian funeral services and then further aspects of life after death. A funeral marks the end of a human life on earth. It is also an opportunity for friends and family to come and say their goodbyes and to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now been completed its journey on earth and to commend the person into Gods keeping. For thousands of years human beings seem to have felt the need for a ceremonial service for those who have died. The Church of England holds funeral services which can be very short and quiet with only a few members of
The Crucible
English Coursework: The Crucible Dear Children, As you read this now, you may be wondering what extraordinary events led to your father's death. It was some strange fate that brought about his demise, although some may say that he brought it upon himself. To stop you from judging your own flesh and blood without first hearing the evidence, I have decided to sit down alone, and write this letter in the hope that one day you may be inquisitive enough to think about those peculiar times and what happened back then, and why. As I will begin to explain. At that time, before anyone had ever breathed anything about witchcraft, I had become ill. After the ordeal of helping me, your father also had to cope with me being withdrawn as I recovered. It was the feeling that I was being cold towards him that drove him to be tempted by our young servant Abigail. I discovered this and, staying true to John, I cast her out of our house willing to forgive and forget. Abigail however, did not forget. Much later, Abigail and some of her friends were found dancing in the forest. After the suggestion that witches had tempted the girls, they used the accusation to turn attention away from themselves and towards others, by making their own accusations about witchcraft. The game they were playing began to get out of hand when a Reverend Hale was called to investigate the accusations. In order to
The death of Jesus.
RE: Coursework AO1 THE DEATH OF JESUS On the sixth hour, darkness engulfed the land. Then on the ninth hour Jesus cried out loudly "Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani". Translated this mean ,"my God my God, why have you deserted me?" When some of the people watching heard this they said, "Listen he is calling on Elijah" Someone then ran up with a reed with a sponge on it, soaked in vinegar and tried to get Jesus to drink it. Then Jesus cried out loudly and breathed his last breath. A centurion watching him said, "In truth this man was a son of god". The death of Jesus and the events running up to his death helps us to better our understanding, of the significance of Jesus dying for us. For this reasons Christian have drawn up certain beliefs about the importance of the death of the messiah. Many prophecy in the old testament were fulfilled by his death. Examples of this are shown in these two psalms:22:18-the is predicted Jesus clothes being gambled by the soilders,22 and 109 passer-by's mock Jesus on the cross. Atonement, we believe that everyone in the world has sinned. For this reason if were to commit a sin your personally relationship with god would be non existent. It was only when Jesus a truly innocent being could be sacrificed could the link between god and people be restored .Death is evil powerfulness weapon against mankind by Jesus dying and rising from the dead
The Death Penalty
The Death Penalty. Ben Serajian To kill or not to kill. That is the question. Some people think it is wrong; however, a close look into the matter will show it is the right thing to do. The Bible states "thou shall not kill" but it also states "an eye for eye". The death penalty is the worst and most deserved punishment for those who choose to take a life. There is no excuse for a life to be taken; therefore, the murderer should be punished to the full extent. Imagine a loved one of yours is brutally murdered; how would you feel? How much pain would your family have to go through? How would you be able to sleep at night knowing the murderer has not been given the death penalty, knowing he could walk out of jail any time. This is most definitely an unnerving thought, and one that no-one shouldn't have to deal with this. With no death penalty and only life without parole (LWOP), there is no deterrent for LWOP inmates killing others whilst in prison or after escape. Certainly, there is actually a positive incentive to murder if a criminal has committed an offence worthy of LWOP and had not yet been caught. Currently there are a number of inmates who have killed numerous people in prison or after escape. Their punishment could not be increased because there is no death penalty... therefore they will never be punished for those crimes... Obviously, those executed can't murder
The Death Penalty
The Death Penalty The death penalty is the hardest punishment that a convicted person can get. This kind of penalty can end the life of the punished person in two ways. The first way is by using intravenous injection of a toxic fluid, which is made specially for the purpose of killing human beings. Another way in which the death penalty can end the existence of the punished person is by using the electric chair. Since the death penalty is the hardest punishment that leads to the termination of a life of the sentenced person, it is sentenced for horrible murders some of which are killing children or rapes. However, the death penalty should be abolished, and human beings should not be killed under any circumstances. In my opinion, there are three main reasons for the abolishment of this punishment: innocent people are sometimes killed, it costs a lot of money and killing is ethically wrong. The first reason why the death penalty should be abolished is that there is a possibility for innocent people to be executed for crimes that they did not commit. Unfortunately, there are still in the world individuals and groups of people who are discriminated. The racial discrimination, for example, can be one of the reasons why some people can be unjustly sentenced to the death penalty. Our society has an imperfect system of justice, and there is always a possibility that that imperfect
jack the ripper
In this assignment I am going to describe why the police were unable to catch Jack the Ripper. I am going to use sources like the red coursework book and the casebook website to help me answer the question. When the police received the first report of the death of Polly Nichols, the police had no idea that they were dealing with a serial killer. So carried out 2 lines of enquiries that at the time seemed sensible, but led to false leads: ) They thought the murder was probably carried out by a local man who hated prostitutes. They also believed he or she was a local person because of the area was known for its lawlessness, and seemed unlikely that an 'outsider' would come to Whitechapel just to commit a crime such as a murder. And 2) They thought the murderer was probably a horse slaughterer or butcher, because of the injuries Polly Nichols, and later Annie Chapman, had received. As a result as these beliefs, the police arrested 3 horse slaughters who lived near Bucks Row, the place at which Polly Nichols was murdered. But these men had alibis and could prove that they were at work at the time of the murder. However this didn't stop the police force from believing the person responsible was a butcher of some kind. So carried on for many weeks following false leads. Inspector Frederick Abberline was put in charge of the investigation. He acted quickly as he knew
Should Capital Punishment Be Reinstated In Britain?
Should Capital Punishment Be Reinstated In Britain? Capital Punishment is the legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law. Throughout history people have been put to death for various forms of wrongdoing. Methods of execution have included such practices as crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, impaling, and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging, or shooting. The death penalty is the most notorious severe practice in the modern world. Other harsh, physical forms of criminal punishment also referred to as corporal punishment have generally been eliminated in modern times as unsophisticated and unnecessary. Britain itself had effectively abolished capital punishment by 1965 due to the 'inhumane' methods of execution and unjust reasons for the executions with the only exception being for treason. Now, almost 30 years later, technology has evolved in such a way that mistakes would be virtually unheard of and the method of execution far more excepted in today's society. So this begs the question that is on the minds of many members of the public and government of Britain, should capital punishment be reinstated in Britain? There are many arguments for and against capital punishment and the country needs to take these into account to make a lawful and well-revised
Should Capital Punishment Be Reintroduced In Britain
Adam Whybro Should Capital Punishment Be Reintroduced In Britain? Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment on criminals for any range of crimes. I believe that capital punishment should not be reintroduced into British society today, and should be totally removed from all the countries in the world that currently use it. Capital punishment in Britain was carried out for many years. In 1500 only major crimes such as treason, burglary, rape and murder were punishable by death. But by 1700 many more crimes had been added to this list and hundreds of people were being put to death each year. However by 1750 the death penalty was reformed and only the major crimes of murder and treason inflicted the death penalty. This continued until 1965 when capital punishment was abolished for a trial period in Britain. Capital punishment was effectively abolished in 1969, one year before the trial period was set to end. The last execution in Britain was a simultaneous hanging of two men on 13 August 1964. Peter Anthony Allen, aged 21, was hanged in Walton gaol, Liverpool and Gwynne Owen Evans, aged 24, was hanged in Strangeways, Manchester. They were convicted of the murder of John Alan West, a milkman, while robbing him in his house on 7 April 1964. I am against the death penalty as it poses many moral and controversial issues. The most important reason for
Should Christians allow capital punishment?
Should Christians allow capital punishment? The question of whether Christians should allow capital punishment is controversial and is often argued between many Christians. This question can be answered by using the bible to help them understand their morale and ways of life. The Christians believe that Christians should allow capital punishment and they argue this by using the bible in Exodus 21 24 "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" this suggests that the bible is saying that if a person commits a crime such as murder then the criminal should be treated with the same crime. This shows that the bible says that if a person is guilty of murder then the criminal himself should be murdered which shows that the bible is supporting capital punishment. The Christians would argue that God himself commands the use of capital punishment. We can see a good example of the first acts of capital punishment, when God was involved directly or indirectly, in taking of life as a punishment for the nation of Israel. Therefore many Christians think that they should allow capital punishment because if God himself is commanding the use of capital punishment many feel that they should allow capital punishment and follow the example of God. Many people also interpret this as if the crime has been committed that the person who has committed it must be punished. This