An Eye For an Eye and the World Would Be Blind

AN EYE FOR AN EYE AND THE WORLD WOULD BE BLIND It is clearly stated in a bible, but "Love thy neighbor," does not account for anything in the minds of some human beings. A few months back, I was called in for Jury duty at the court of her Majesty on London. I was sitting in the main court, amid many other people, who were quite happy chattering away, not justifying the seriousness of this case. Then walked in a very thin looking man, he was accompanied by two brick built policemen. He walked to his seat and sat down, keeping his eyes down all the time. Then the judge came in and sat down. This man was put in court for supposedly murdering his wife. Within 3 hours of deliberation and protesting from the man, he was sentenced by the jury, to be hanged. On the day of the hanging, a very peculiar thing happened. Just and hour before the hanging, we were all called back into court. The police had found out that the unnamed man was innocent and they had found the real murderer, through the use of DNA detection. That man was then put to his horrid death. Now think about how close that innocent man came to death for a crime he did not even commit. If you were a hangman and you took hold of this information, could you live with yourself knowing you killed an innocent man? My point here is that in 4/10 cases of hanging, the victim is innocent or partly innocent. With these

  • Word count: 587
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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maths data handling

Introduction: I have been given a data set containing 240 data items containing information relating to driving tests. My aim is to investigate what factors influence a successful outcome from different fields contained in the data sheet: * Gender of the Driver * Number of 1hr lessons * Number of minor of mistakes * The driving instructor Most of the fields shall be investigated to see if there is any pattern connected with successful drivers apart from. * The Day and Time the test was taken out Initial Analysis: The Initial Analysis of the entire data set shows that there is: * 116 Male drivers. * 124-Females > 60 Learners for Instructor A > 100 Learners for Instructor B > 40 Learners for Instructor C > 40 Learners for Instructor D The Mean number of: * Minor mistakes are 16.78 * 1Hour Lessons is 23.03 Hypothesis One: For this data set Men on average made fewer minor mistakes than women in their driving test. Planning: In order to investigate this hypothesis I will take a random sample of 30 male drivers and 30 female drivers. And compare the number of minor mistakes they made in their driving test. To make this comparison I will construct box and whisker diagrams. Sampling: To get random samples from the data set so I can keep this a reliable investigation by using the box and whisker diagrams I shall- Use Microsoft Excel, to begin I will number

  • Word count: 2374
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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For my Personal Research Study (PRS), I am going to research Capital Punishment.

For my Personal Research Study (PRS), I am going to research Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment is about taking a life for a life(s). For example if you commit a crime like Murder and you are convicted of murdering someone you could end up being killed by "The Electric Chair" or you could get an injection that will kill you. Capital Punishment is an interesting topic because people have debated about this subject for years. The question I have chosen for my PRS is should Capital Punishment be reintroduced? My hypothesis is Capital Punishment should be reintroduced for crimes severe enough such as Mass Murder and Treason i.e. murdering a Queen/King or President of a country. The topic I have chosen is part of the Beliefs and Values unit that I have studied in Humanities. My hypothesis is based on the Key Idea. Individuals and groups have different beliefs, attitudes and values regarding cultural, moral, political, religious, spiritual and social issues. I will use a range of research methods to investigate my hypothesis. For my secondary methods I will use books, the Internet and newspaper articles. For my primary research I will design and distribute a questionnaire to discover people's views on Capital Punishment. I am a year 11 student at Aylward School. As part of my GCSE Humanities course I am required to complete a Personal Research Study. I

  • Word count: 2003
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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What is a human being?

Dictionary Definition: Human being- a man, woman or child from the species homo sapiens. Homo sapiens- the primate species of which modern humans belong. Are we mammals? NO YES Are we able to hold tools because we have thumbs? YES NO Do we think rationally? NO YES A mammal is a warm blooded vertebrate animal of a class (Mammalia) that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk and (typically) the birth of live young. Examples: Monkeys, cat family, dog family, whales and the marsupial family. Rational thinking is the ability to thing sensibly, logically and to be able to plan ahead. This means that humans can write and understand stories, poetry and books. It means they can think, not only what is for dinner tonight? But also what is for dinner six months from now? They can also have the urge to form civilization and conquer other countries leading to war, not many life forms have civilization and wars. When does human personhood begin? Life and personhood are two very different issues. The male sperm and the female ovum are both forms of life but do not have personhood. This raises the point of when does personhood begin? Some pro-lifers say that it is as soon as the sperm fertilizes the ovum but some pro-choicers say that it happens later in the pregnancy. We know these facts for certain- science has proved them and all

  • Word count: 1661
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Styal Mill - "The Gregs had a genuine concern for the welfare of their apprentices". Do the visual, documentary and oral sources support this view?

3. "The Gregs had a genuine concern for the welfare of their apprentices". Do the visual, documentary and oral sources support this view? The Gregs had very genuine concern for the welfare and well being at Styal Mill. Several of the visual, documentary and oral sources support this view very strongly, and show us that because of this concern for the well being of their apprentices, the Gregs went out of their way to give them the best possible life at the mill. The Gregs were very religious as a family, mainly due to Samuel Greg marrying Hannah Lightbody, who was a Unitarian. She soon converted Samuel to Unitarianism, and in 1823, Samuel built Norcliffe Chapel in Styal. Before this was built, the apprentices at the mill had to walk to St. Bartholomew's for church on a Sunday. Something which the Gregs did not use at Styal was corporal punishment. When questioned by the Factory Commissioners in 1834, Samuel Greg told them that apprentices received "barely beyond a box on the ear, to call attention". He also told them that corporal punishment was never used at Styal. There is also no sign of corporal punishment being used at Styal in the records kept there, but this does not mean that it definitely did not happen. There is a possibility that it was used, but not recorded to keep the mill's record clean. Other punishments included fines, which could be paid off by working

  • Word count: 1400
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Creative Writing - The New World.

English Creative Writing The New World Sliding my auto card into the slot, the door of my apartment opens. I walked straight to the pantry room where a gigantic revolving glass container stands. It contains hundreds of small multi-coloured pills and these pills must be taken three times a day. Through the brilliance of scientists, each pill contains just the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and even water for a person. As it is honey-coated, one can just suck or swallow it without any water. Living in this modern age where the advancement of technology has gone beyond human expectations, life has certainly become different. The breakthrough in technology has enabled human to conquer death. Special pills containing vaccinations against various diseases have been manufactured and their effectiveness proven. Immortality reigns in every being and the word 'death' has slided into obscurity. Ask any passer-by and you will realise how alien the concept of death is. As a result, visitors to our planet will never find burial grounds and cremation sites anywhere. In fact, the word 'coffin' has long been omitted in the latest version of the dictionary. Professional undertakers are never in the occupation list for they will never get any customers. With immortality gained, death cannot be sought after through suicides or car accidents. In the aspect of suicide, a

  • Word count: 514
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Capital Punishment - Justice or Murder? - Joe should never be set free, after 20 years of his life sentence, to go on and murder again

Capital Punishment : Justice or Murder? Chris Baguley "Joe should never be set free, after 20 years of his life sentence, to go on and murder again" Capital Punishment is argued about throughout the world. It is disputed as to whether it is humane or, alternatively, if it protects innocent lives. Capital Punishment is the lawful sentence of death pronounced by the courts for a variety of serious crimes. Some countries do not have this punishment, such as Britain. However, eighty-nine countries are able to use Capital Punishment as a sentence. It is disputed as to whether or not this is too harsh. Through examination of the questionnaire, which I carried out, I discovered that seven out of the twenty people I asked believed in Capital Punishment. Out of the thirteen people who disagreed or did not know if they agreed with Capital Punishment, all agreed it was either inhumane or not an issue people should be able to decide on. Out of twenty people eleven decided, "a life for a life," is fair. Everyone agreed that our justice system in Britain is wrong and should be changed. Sixteen people said that the most humane form of Capital punishment is the gas chamber. A majority also felt that bringing the death penalty back into force in Britain would help prevent various crimes. These people all shared the same opinion, that criminals on death row should be given the choice of

  • Word count: 2412
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Should Capital Punishment be allowed or not?

Should Capital Punishment be allowed or not? According to a dictionary a crime is `an act punishable by law, as being forbidden by statute or injurious to the public welfare'. Sounds straight forward, but particularly the way that crime is interpreted and acted upon is very controversial. One of these controversial matters is capital punishment. Basically capital punishment is the death sentence as punishment for crimes such as murder. Whether capital punishment should be allowed or not has led to a lot of arguments. The Arguments: Some may say capital punishment is a bit too far, as they are concerned that someone could be wrongly accused and this is only found out about after he/she has been executed. Against this people may dispute that murder cases are investigated so thoroughly that mistakes like this would not happen. People may argue that this may cause judges or jurors to find guilty persons not guilty, as they don't want to make such a decision of life and death. The law states that judges or jurors have a responsibility to the public to deal out punishments as the evidence dictates. People may feel that murder is murder and that death sentences are included in this and that the government should set an example not to take the lives of others. This may be countered by the view that the death sentence is the punishment for a crime and is not a

  • Word count: 782
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Capital punishment.

Capital Punishment Capital punishment (death penalty) is still used today in countries like the USA, it is a very controversial issue and a lot of people have different points of view on it. I am against this, since it is a savage way top deal with criminals, and I think this should not be used. On March 25, 1997, Pedro Medina was executed at Florida State Prison by means of electrocution. During the execution process, flames appeared from under the hood covering the head and smoke filled the chamber. Due to this apparent malfunctioning, the Florida Corrections Commission reviewed the method(s) of execution used by Florida and other states and recorded the problems encountered with these methods. The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. It violates the right to life. It is irrevocable and can be inflicted on the innocent. It has never been shown to deter crime more effectively than other punishments. "Barbarians. That's what we have become. We kill each other and instead of mourning the tragedy, we want the state to satisfy our bloodlust by killing the offender...we must learn to deal with these people in our midst - punish them, but do not become them." From 1976, when executions were resumed, until 2002-JAN-1, there have been 749 executions in the US. About 30 to 60 prisoners are currently killed annually, most by lethal injection.

  • Word count: 646
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment Capital punishment is the execution of a convicted murderer, by the state. The word capital in "capital punishment" refers to a person's head. In the past, people were often executed by severing their head from their body. The death sentence generally only used as a punishment for murder, but it is difficult to distinguish the difference between murder (an intentional killing of another human being) and manslaughter (the accidental killing of another human being) therefore the sentence is sometimes used too harshly. During the last decade of the twentieth century, 547 prisoners have been executed in the United States -one third of them in Texas. Another 3,500 wait on death row. But many people disagree with Capital punishment as they consider the punishment to be cruel and unusual. I consider capital Punishment to be emotionally and morally wrong. Killing someone else can not rectify killing some one. This causes pain for another family and in a way shows that some murders are acceptable. Having their loved one murdered by the state also punishes the family of the prisoner. Yet the family is usually innocent of any crime. Despite the moral argument against capital Punishment, surveys in the United States and Canada regularly show that a sizeable majority of adults are in favour of the death penalty for convicted murderers. Depending on the exact question

  • Word count: 1455
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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