Outline Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty
a) I Outline Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty Wealth and poverty are important issues in the world today, which can cause people a lot of suffering, especially for those in third world countries. Christians are often seen to be concerned with the issue of wealth and poverty. Christians are expected to respect the poor and look after them. The Bible tells us that God will reward us for giving to the needy. "The man who is kind to the poor lends to Yahweh: he will repay him for what he has done." (Proverbs 19:17) Throughout the bible there are references to the wealth and poverty and suggestions that God wants us to help and care for the poor. Jesus taught that we must share with those who are less well off than ourselves. "If anyone has two tunics he must share with the man who has none, and the one with something to eat must do the same." (Luke 3:11) These teachings are what tell Christians today what is required of them regarding wealth and poverty. Jesus cared for the poor throughout his life in various ways such as the feeding of the five thousand as well as encouraging people who asked for his advice on how to live a good life to give their possessions to the poor. As Jesus' life is one of the main guides as to knowing how God wants us to live, his actions and words are of great importance. At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talked about charity
outline muslim teachings on wealth and poverty
"Outline Muslims teachings on wealth and poverty." In this coursework I will be outlining Muslim teachings on wealth and poverty; what wealth means to Muslims, wealth as a test of abstaining from its temptations, the obligations on Muslims concerning wealth and the trust contained in wealth. I hope it gives you a clear insight into these things. A major principle in Islam is that wealth should be earned lawfully. Lawful earnings means to earn wealth according to the lawful ways that Allah and His Messenger (p.b.u.h) have set out, for us to follow. Allah has forbidden all unlawful means of money investment such as Riba (usury/interest), false deals, gambling, lottery etc. if this money is used to go to Hajj or pay money to charity Allah will not accept it and reward will not be given. Examples of Lawful means are: Trade of non-prohibited items and labour work. Everyone will be asked on the Day of Judgement how they earned their wealth so we must abide by Hadith and Quran. "Those who give of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord; and them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. But those who eat usury will not stand, except as one whom the Evil One has touched and driven to madness. They say "usury is the same as trade"; but God has permitted trade and forbidden usury." (2:274) This verse from the Holy Quran is basically
Analyse and explain the work of one Catholic Agency working for World development
Analyse and explain the work of one Catholic Agency working for World development The Nation Board of Catholic Women set up CAFOD in 1962. They originally organised a Family Fast Day in response to a request from the people of the Caribbean Island of Dominica for help with a mother-and-baby health care programme. The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales officially set CAFOD, Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, up one year later. The main aim of CAFOD was to provide a focus for all the small-scale charitable efforts that were already taking place. More than forty years later, CAFOD is still bringing about change. This is a result of devotion of the catholic communities of England and Wales. To try and combat poverty, CAFOD works with more than 500 organisations worldwide. CAFOD and its partners are making lasting change. This is down to listening to needs and finding out how best to meet them. CAFOD is working to improve lives and livelihoods. ''Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day - teach him to fish you feed him for life.'' "What you are giving us is worth so much more than money. You are helping us to stand on our own feet" Vicente Gomez Gutierrez, Coffee farmer, Chiapas, Mexico CAFOD believes that all human beings have the right to dignity and respect. That the world's resource are a gift to be equally shared between all men and women, no matter their
Wealth and Poverty
Religious Studies Coursework - Wealth and Poverty .(i) Outline Christian teaching, and the teaching of ONE other religion, on wealth and poverty. (ii) Explain why there is a need for world development. (iii) Analyse and explain the work of ONE religious agency working for world development. 2. "There should be no rich people as long as there is poverty in the world." Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered another point of view, and referring to religious teaching. .(i) Christians believe that someone with wealth has the ability to influence the world for the good and for the bad. This would suggest that, for some people wealth is not a bad thing, as it could be used to help more of God's children to become closer to God. However, Christians do also teach that money can only be gained in moral and lawful ways, and that the money the gain is a gift from God and is therefore it is intended to be a force for good in the world, not evil. Christians also teach that if people should have the wrong attitude towards their wealth then it can lead people away from God, which means that one would have to be careful with his money. Jesus' Parable of the Sheep and Goats helps to teach Christians attitude to wealth and poverty, and how they should use their money. He says that there will come a day when all people will come before him to be
wealth and poverty
Wealth and Poverty - RE Coursework A. i) All religions worldwide have different views on wealth and poverty, even within Christianity. Christians believe that wealth is something which can be used for both good and evil, also that wealth should come from hard work and should be gained by lawful and moral ways. They believe that money is neither good nor bad, what does matter is what we use it for and how we share it, many Christians believe that wealth is a gift from god, Most churches themselves are full of wealth such as the church of England and the roman catholic church, whereas there are many Christians that choose to live in poverty in the poorer parts of the world, they believe this is right because even Jesus led a pure and simple life within poverty. This is shown in the bible when Jesus said 'it is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.' (Mark 10.25) Ultimately there are two views about wealth and poverty, the first view is, some Christians believe that there should be no such thing as rich and poor in the world, everyone should have the same amount of wealth, it should be shared evenly as everyone is equal in Gods eyes. The Bible teaches that no human need should be ignored in the story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37), it tells us that no human beings should be able to pass by on the
wealth and poverty
By Tim Underwood Wealth and poverty- -Contents Part One Why is there a need for world development? Part Two Christian teaching on poverty. Part Three Wealth and Poverty Part Four Tearfund UK Part Five 'There should be no rich people, As long as there is Poverty in the world.' ------------------------------------------------------- Why Is There A Need for World Development: There are a lot of Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) around the world, which are trying to develop. So they ask for aid from the More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) but how can the LEDCs develop when the MEDCs are demanding their money back, with huge interest rates. What is poverty? The dictionary describes it as: being poor, lack of money and resources. But what causes poverty? Such things as over population, which means there are too many people in a certain area to accommodate them all. Location means there are people in an area that has no natural resources and that some people are born into a bad area. Also if there is no education people can't get jobs to earn money to survive. Also if there is no education, there are no doctors to aid the sick and dying. And of coarse no doctors diseases spread and kill people. Finally with no education there can be no jobs. War is another cause of poverty. It can use the money supply up for helping the poor and needy develop for
Wealth and Poverty.
Christianity Coursework: Wealth and Poverty A1. The bible has a lot to say about wealth and poverty; however there are no clear-cut answers on this topic. We can see Christian teaching on wealth and poverty through passages and quotes in the bible, which I will be referring to later on in the essay. We can also understand Christian teachings on this topic by looking at characters from the bible, such as Jesus who's attitude to the poor was that they are still important in God's eyes. These teachings can also be related to Christian organisations such as Christian aid. These organisations concentrate on helping the poor and those in poverty especially in the third world. They also believe that everybody has the right to lead a good life and that these people should experience God's love. Christians feel that they have a duty to prevent and help the situation of poverty. A quote said by the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church illustrates this point very well. 'Rich nations have a grave moral responsibility towards those which are unable to ensure the means of there development by themselves' This is talking about the third world countries in the north and how the western countries should support these weaker countries. This quote cannot only be related to the world but to our own lives, if you are better of than others support those in need. The bible contains many
Wealth And Poverty
Wealth And Poverty In the following essay I will include and discuss the Christian views on wealth and poverty. I will also include why there is need for world development, and I will also explain the work of one Christian agency working for world development. Christians believe earning money should be done in an honest work style. They believe earning money should not take over there lives as it says in Mathew 6:24 "You cannot serve both God and money," Here it tells Christians to not allow money to over power their lives and they should stay loyal to God. Christians usually do not approve of occupations, which exploit other people or cause harm such as gambling. Some Christians look for occupations, which try to involve in helping other people such as becoming a nurse or doctor etc. They believe money is not important but to have spiritual richness as it says in Mathew 5.3 Sermon on the Mount teaches Christians "Happy are those that know they are spiritually poor. Happy are those who are humble". Catechism of the catholic church feel that God bless those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them. Love for the poor is incompatible with immoderale use of riches or their selfish use. But on the other hand a statement by the Archbishops says "The church should concern itself first, and indeed second, with the poor and needy, whether in spirit
Describe the teachings of the religion which you are studying, about the way in which believers should treat people, who are less fortunate than themselves SECTION A World's major religions teach that their God wants a happy, healthy and good life for everyone. The religions also teach that the followers should try and make the world a better and equal place for themselves and others to live in. Despite these beliefs and teachings the world today is still a place where there are many people poor and suffering whilst others have wealth and luxurious living conditions. In the world today there is a division between the rich and the poor. Generally, it is seen for the richer people to be living in the north of the Equator and the poor in the South. There is an enormous difference in the lifestyle of the rich and poor. People in rich countries have many problems such as over eating which causes obesity and for which they have to loose weight by simply eating less. Housing for the richer is both safe and warm. Everyone living in a richer country has access to pure, clean water. For the rich when fashion changes, their wardrobes change's which are usually filled with unworn clothes which they throw away, many people have different types of clothing for specific different occasions which means spending more money. Many rich people can be educated for as long as they wish,
Wealth and Poverty
Outline Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty In this modern world, we normally understand the term "wealth and poverty" is to do with money. People who has a lot of money is wealth and poverty is when someone has only little amount of money, they are separate from one and other. Some people may even think that making money is the main purpose of living. However, the Christian teaching, "wealth and poverty" it not like that, money is not the main purpose for living, wealth and poverty do link together, the rich people need to help their neighbours who need help. Christians believe that God created the world and everything for everyone to enjoy. In the Old Testament, Leviticus 25:23, it mentions that "your land" is not yours, it "belongs to God" so you are not exactly wealth, you are poverty. Therefore, you should provide money for the poor people no matter whom they are as "you would for hired servants." This is because God has used his only son to save us. This is a part of the Golden Rule "Treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself." Nothing is evil in itself, but everything can be misused, this includes money too. It is supported by the Bible (1 Timothy 6.10) 'For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil' It can be squandered or it can be used to help the needy. Jesus identified himself with the poor and their needs throughout his ministry, which